Comment from Karina Kwan

Document ID: APHIS-2011-0019-0007
Document Type: Public Submission
Agency: Animal And Plant Health Inspection Service
Received Date: May 17 2013, at 07:18 PM Eastern Daylight Time
Date Posted: May 21 2013, at 12:00 AM Eastern Standard Time
Comment Start Date: May 7 2013, at 12:00 AM Eastern Standard Time
Comment Due Date: July 8 2013, at 11:59 PM Eastern Standard Time
Tracking Number: 1jx-85dz-bisc
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I am a 2nd year law student at CUNY School of Law in New York and am submitting this comment as part of my participation in my administrative law course. Additionally, I have personal interest in this rule because I do enjoy fresh tropical fruit such as the ones referenced in this proposed rule and would be very happy to see more year-round availability, particularly of jackfruit and starfruit. In general, I am in support of this proposed rule. The lifting of the ban of Malaysian jackfruit, pineapple, and especially starfruit would increase availability throughout the U.S. and would increase knowledge and appreciation of fruits that are not commonly found and/or eaten fresh in U.S. The mitigation measures as described above seem to be adequate in addressing the risk of the introduction of foreign pests into the United States. However, I am a little more hesitant about expressing support for the mitigation measures for starfruit from Malaysia. Cutting open fresh starfruit and visually inspecting them would be an effective way of making sure no pests would be imported along with the starfruit, but I am concerned about how that would affect the freshness, quality, and perceived attractiveness of starfruit from consumers. I would like to see more detailed plans and measures from the Malaysian NPPO and APHIS to see how fresh starfruit would maintain their freshness after being cut open. Additionally, because Malaysia exports starfruit to many other countries, including Netherlands, France, Germany, and Singapore, information on the mitigation measures used and agreed upon in those countries would further inform my support. (from, page 2) In conclusion, I am in support of amending the current regulations to allow for the importation of jackfruit, pineapple, and starfruit from Malaysia into the continental United States.

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Total: 1
Comment from Karina Kwan
Public Submission    Posted: 05/21/2013     ID: APHIS-2011-0019-0007

Jul 08,2013 11:59 PM ET