veterinarians are mistreating animsla and race horses, and not making sure they get true treatment to make them healthy. vets are fulling animals full of drugs when rest is the best health treatment. racetrack vets are making sick horses race. it is time to make veters who work for bad health in animals to pay a fine of $1 million and be barred from forever practicing again when they do this once. make sure the articles in the ny times on how bad horse races are treated by veterinarians at this article shows a lot of research where the horses are drugged to their death. they die on the track from the vets poor treatmetn of them. also these vets do the same with farm animal. THERE IS TOO CLOSE AN ASSOCITION BETWEEN THE TRAINING OF THESE VETS AND THE FARM AGENCIES - WHO LOAN THEM MONEY AND THEN THE VETS ARE BRIBED BY THE USDA TO ALWAYS FIND WAYS TO HURT ANIMALS. THIS FAR TOO CLOSE ASSOCATION PROMOTES A FORM OF BRIBERY OF THE VETERS. NO LOANS SHOULD BE GOING FROM ANY US AGENCY TO VET STUDENTS. LET THEM BORROW FROM A BANK TO GET MONEY FOIR SCHOO, NOT FROM THE US DEPT OF AG WHO THEN HAS A SWORD OVER THEIR HEAD TO MAKE THEM DO THINGS THE USDA WANTS THEM TO DO. HURT ANIMALS IS ONE OF THOSE OBJECTIVES OF THE USDA. HURT THEM SO THE AGRIBUSINESS CROWD CAN MAKE BIG MONEY OUT OF ABUSING FARM ANIMALS. THIS IS GOING ON IN THE USA THESE DAYS. WE ALL HAVE SEEN THE VIDEOS. THEY DONT LIE. THEY TELL THE TRUTH.
Comment from jean public
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