When it this government going to get out of areas of no FEDERAL concern? ADT = NAIS, changing the name does not change the program. NAIS was a governmental agency/mega industry conceived program to help get rid of small operators. Similar actions of government/corporation joint activities have caused many small operations of all sorts to be shut down or the owners just quit trying to deal with the excessive regulations that are put into place for that exact reason. Butcher shops, food processors, more and more food handlers of any type, small slaughter operators, food packagers, growers of livestock and any other food stuffs, and on and on, all of these operations are and have been suffering under the huge burdens of excessive governmental regulations as being proposed with first NAIS and now ADT. The primary disease development areas are the massive, crowded, poorly fed (here is a can of worms all in itself), over medicated, poorly managed (often by highly paid people sitting behind their desk and not on the floor or in actually "hands on" involved with the operation), corporate operations, NOT the small farm, grower operations that are absolutely VILIFIED by the large corporations and the many governmental agencies. I farmed for 25 years and finally got out as the regulations and absolutely "impossibility to follow ALL regulations of ALL the different agencies" (one agencies required water flow be physically measures by installation of a measuring device, another agency ready to throw me in jail if I so much as touch the waterway bottom with a shovel!). This proposed program is supposedly going to deal with livestock disease control from the wrong direction, putting the onus of "control" on the wrong folks, in the wrong place. If this program come to be, it will cost the consumer, who ALWAYS is the one who ultimately "pays for ANY cost" increases, no matter if in food, service, regulation, medical, education, etc. the costs WILL ULTIMATELY be transferred!
Comment from jon citizen
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Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals: Animal Disease Traceability Information Systems, Agreements, and Reports
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