Furthermore, Detwiler admitted that there was no evidence the sheep the Faillace's imported had ever been exposed to any feed contaminated with animal byproducts which was the contention of USDA.
The Faillaces had gone to great lengths prior to importing the animals to make sure the sheep were in a scrapie surveillance program and not fed any sort of feed with animal byproducts and had records from the countries from which they had imported the sheep to that effect.
In the end, perhaps the Faillaces will have the last laugh. Linda Faillace's book, Mad Sheep has so far sold thousands of copies. A sequel is in the works and the Faillace's have been approached by Hollywood for a dramatization of their struggle to try to save their sheep from confiscation by USDA.
Also their fight will be featured in an upcoming documentary by Kristin Canty called Farmageddon.
Most of the same staffers still populate the offices that assailed the
faillaces. the crowd at aphis stinks.
Comment from jean public
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Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals: National Veterinary Services Laboratories; Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy Surveillance Program Documents
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