aphis misrepresents what it actually does. it takes a phone call from one psycho and then comes in to kill thousands of birds or animals and doesn't ask the neighbors to verify what is being done and doesn't ask the community orneighbors what they want done to an offending bird or animal. this is a sneaky govt agency and it should be put out of business. wildlife services it is wildlife killing services and t hey make money on killing animals. they are hardly the right set up to help animals.
we do know the rabies vaccines that are routinely given to cats and dogs are killing those animals where cancer develoips at the site o fthe injections, so I do not want to have this new vaccine given to any animal in the wild. this is a moneymaker for aphis and I don't want to see them get money for such a negative program. I see ohio had only 3 cases of rabies so why are americna taxpayers asked to come up with millions upon milions of dolalrs for this program when there is no need in any of the states being dronwned in vaccines. this vaccine goes to any animal that eats it so it can negatively impact other species. the making a drug for one size can negatively impact a smaller size animal through too much drug. I do not support the actions of this govt agency at any time. I find their employees to be hard to question and the employees hide out so you cant ever ask them any question in person. if you want to spread poisons around, its clear that you ought to be out in person answering questions form the public. they don't do that. they hide. the way they operate is against all principles of a democracy. stand up and show up and answer questions from the public.
Comment from jean public
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Environmental Assessments; Availability, etc.: Oral Rabies Vaccine Trial
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Public Submission Posted: 06/10/2013 ID: APHIS-2013-0046-0003
Jul 05,2013 11:59 PM ET