Comment from Jeffrey LeBlanc, Falck Alford

Document ID: BOEM-2010-0034-0044
Document Type: Public Submission
Agency: Bureau Of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation, And Enforcement
Received Date: January 18 2011, at 12:00 AM Eastern Standard Time
Date Posted: January 19 2011, at 12:00 AM Eastern Standard Time
Comment Start Date: December 23 2010, at 12:00 AM Eastern Standard Time
Comment Due Date: January 24 2011, at 11:59 PM Eastern Standard Time
Tracking Number: 80bcd25c
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Stricter regulations without stricter enforcement tools will inevitably lead to more disasters in comparison or even worse disasters than the Deepwater Horizon event. It was clear from preliminary investigations and from solicited experts in the offshore petroleum industry, that a "kick" or bubble of gas resulting from 7 or more deviances in safety procedures and standards in the industry caused the 11 deaths and countless devastation to the gulf state communities. Inarguably, the tragedy could have been avoided had there been bottoms up circulation in the hole, synthetic mud used, several sounding tests, at a minimum of 15 rubber o-ring seals in the casing, better quantity and more time to set the concrete plug. Deadlines and money swayed the engineer in making bad decisions in the health, safety, and environmental concerns of the men and communities involved. The oil and gas industry is a multibillion dollar industry and when there are violations the companies and individuals should be fined as a multibillion dollar entity instead of a few hundred thousand dollar slap on the wrist. Only through strong enforcement and compliance will the industry ever meet the challenges set forth by the governmental agencies. To tie up the Gulf of Mexico with beauracracy disguised as a 6 month moratorium to increase stock revenue, continue more un-enforced regulations, and political maneuvering to shift the balance of power, justs sets the brave men and women working out here for more disasters and disappointment. Fix the problem of enforcement, reward the companies working safe with quicker returns on leasing, and of course enact real legislation against those blatantly violating their own procedures in petroleum safety.

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