19 July 201
Ms. Cheryl Blundon
Regulations and Standards Branch
Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation, and Enforcement
381 Elden Street, MS-4024
Herndon, VA 20170-4817
RE: Information Collection Request ICR 1010-0151
Dear Ms. Blundon:
The Marine Mammal Commission has reviewed the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management,
Regulation, and Enforcement's Federal Register notice regarding information collection
requirements related to exploration, development, and production operations on the Outer
Continental Shelf (76 Fed. Reg. 39419). The Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act authorizes
the Department of the Interior, and by extension the Bureau, to prescribe regulations
governing oil and gas operations on the Outer Continental Shelf to meet the nation's energy
needs as rapidly as possible; to balance orderly energy resource development with the
protection of human, marine, and coastal environments; to ensure the public a fair and
equitable return on Outer Continental Shelf resources; and to preserve and maintain free
enterprise competition.
Regulations pertaining to exploration, development, and production operations are an
important means of ensuring that oil and gas activities on the Outer Continental Shelf are
conducted in such a manner that minimizes harm to marine mammals and their habitats. To
implement these regulations, the Bureau requires that operators submit detailed
exploration plans or development and production plans. The Bureau must then analyze and
evaluate each plan to ensure the proposed activities are safe; will not adversely affect the
marine, coastal, or human environment; and will conserve the resources of the Outer
Continental Shelf. The Bureau must also ensure the plans are in compliance with all
applicable laws, including the Endangered Species Act and the Marine Mammal
Protection Act, and meet other requirements as specified in regulations at 30 CFR Part 250
(Subpart · B). Accordingly, the Commission supports the Bureau's request that the Office of
Management and Budget approve the collection of information related to exploration,
development, and production operations on the Outer Continental Shelf.
Thank you for the opportunity to comment on this matter.
Timothy, J. Ragen, Ph.D.
Executive Director
4340 East-West Highway • Room 700 • Bethesda, MD 20814-4498 • T: 301.504.0087,
F: 301.504.0099
Marine Mammal Commission Comment
This is comment on Notice
Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals
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