POET is concerned that this interim rule provides payment to newly identified and planned herbaceous or woody biomass project areas but does not provide a path for payments for existing biomass activity under the CHST portion of BCAP. This rule appears to allow funding to first be used for new project areas, and only then will the matching payments receive funding. This type of a program change is problematic for current BCFs and the farmers counting on the CHST portion of BCAP to allow for their continued work around biomass for cellulosic ethanol. The priority should be shifted to those actively engaged in collection and delivery of existing biomass for an approved BCF, rather than to those planting for a future BCF. BCAP is an important accelerator of cellulosic ethanol. Just as important, BCAP is also a job creation strategy. As cellulosic ethanol grows and expands across all 50 states, not only is this a significant job and economic stimulus, it will move our country closer to energy independence.
Comment on FR Doc # 2011-23596
This is comment on Rule
Biomass Crop Assistance Program; Corrections
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