I am writing to comment on the proposed changes to the medical screening
requirements for admittance to the United States. I urge you to remove the
requirement that aliens be negative for HIV for short-term visits to the United
States. The current policy, refusing entry even for short visits for people
with HIV, does not make sense in today's world. It is known that HIV has
specific methods of transmission, and the likelihood that an HIV-positive
foreign visitor would present an unusual risk of disease is extremely low. In
an economy that is currently struggling, it is not a good idea to refuse
visitors who present a low risk, or to discourage visitors who are HIV-negative,
but visit other places that do not place harsh restrictions.
Additionally, it is extremely close to the change in administration, and I urge
you to postpone the publication of the final rule until after the new
administration is in place in late January, 2009. Because this issue is of a
sensitive and foreign relations matter, the new administration should weigh in
on it.
Thank you.
Comment on FR Doc # E8-23485
This is comment on Rule
Medical Examination of Aliens--Revisions to Medical Screening Process
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