Student loan mobility & deductibility are badly needed... Why not enable student loan borrowers to switch commercial lenders that service their government-backed loans? Then lower interest rates could finally be rewarded with transferred balances to banks which offer them. Presently a borrower with a consolidated student loan is locked in to a set interest rate for life (regardless of market conditions), and is stuck with the same debt servicing company. Services to debt-repayers suffer. And yet neither major political party proposes this reform while the student loan bubble is poised to burst?
Meanwhile, is it not eye-opening how graduates can only deduct $2,500 per year in student loan interest paid? Why not increase that?
How can graduates simultaneously be expected to pay into the Ponzi Scheme (i.e. Social Security, which is exposed as such at the bottom of ) if they can't even get tax breaks for paying back escalating student loan debt, too? Besides which, don't recent grads. need to save up for their retirement since Social Security's bankrupt except in the eyes of those who have no shame about increasingly mortgaging younger generations' futures? As if retirees can't go back to work, like facilitates, or otherwise behave more thoughtfully towards their families so they won't have to be supported by us taxpayers instead?
Comment on CFPB-2013-0004-0001
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Request for Information Regarding an Initiative to Promote Student Loan Affordability
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