The draft DFARS 252-245-7001 states, "The Contractor shall provide item unique
identification (IUID) data electronically into the IUID Registry (1) For all DoD PIPC
under this contract, including that at subcontractors and alernate locations"
As contractors, we are responsible for being good stewards of Government owned
assets, we should also be good stewards of the Government's money. Request
we reconsider the application of UIIs to those items of low value where it will cost
more to mark and register an item than the actual value of the asset and will
require Contractors to expend costly amounts of manhours to reconcile the low
value items two times a year. Examples are contract turn over where the previous
contractor purchased a $0.35 item as CAP and at contract transition provided this
item as GFP to the gaining contractor. Recommend Government owned LVP
under the stewardship of a contractor be held to the same accountable dollar
limits as those delivered to DoD activities, $5,000 or greater, mission essential or
controlled inventory, or mod the DD Form 1662 to reflect LVP only.
Comment on FR Doc # E6-05857
This is comment on Proposed Rule
Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement; Reports of Government Property (DFARS Case 2005-D015)
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