Public Comments 2004-D010

Document ID: DARS-2006-0065-0044
Document Type: Public Submission
Agency: Defense Acquisition Regulations System
Received Date: October 10 2006, at 12:20 PM Eastern Daylight Time
Date Posted: October 16 2006, at 12:00 AM Eastern Standard Time
Comment Start Date: August 14 2006, at 12:00 AM Eastern Standard Time
Comment Due Date: October 13 2006, at 11:59 PM Eastern Standard Time
Tracking Number: 801d4312
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Dear Madam/Sir: This email submits my comments concerning the relaxing of security requirements so that contractors may use foreign workers. Are you aware that Bernie Schwartz of Loral "sold" technology to the People's Republic of China, PRC, as part of a commercial deal? That technology enabled the PRC ICBM programs to reduce their Center of Error Probability, CEP, by an order of magnitude. And, in doing so, the resulting missiles could carry a larger payload and/or use less powerful propellants. Many people in the US and the rest of the world believe that PRC has a defined program to acquire most of the secrets developed in the US with US resources and US technology. I don't know the status of the program but it may be winding down due to PRC's having caught up with the US programs through successful theft of many secrets including the Los Alamos Lee affair. The lobbyists, contractors, and other friends of the idea attempt to sell the fact that US citizens are no longer competent to do the needed work. That is patently false. That makes failures of MIT, CalTech, UCLA, USC, Stanford, Harvard, Case Institute, and all the other leading colleges and universities of the US. Surely, you cannot actually believe that. This lie is being floated by companies, your contractors in some cases, that want to hire cheap, in both dollars and quality, workers that will to some extent be indentured, that will be compliant and do as they are told and be quiet even when they believe they are doing wrong. Moreover, many of those same workers come to the US as H-1b's, and as many as 50% have been found to have false credentials. I am particularly interested in this subject, for I was an officer in the USMC and I went through a Final Top Secret clearance process. I have an engineering degree earned after winning an NROTC scholarship, a former fighter pilot, with a record of over 25 years experience in the computer business. Oh yes, I am a member of Mensa. I was laid off during a cutback by Sun Microsystems 5 years ago even though I had the top performance rating my group; Sun took this action while actively hiring H-1b's. There were investigations by the Deparfment of Justice and the Department of Labor. There was a class action lawsuit that was a sure thing for the complainants, according to the attorneys, that was quickly and mysteriously dropped just as it was beginning to take hold. Refuse to let any contractor short cut the process of assuring that every person employed meets the security requirements. Don't give away any more secrets. Don't endanger the US further by letting secrets and classified information fall into the wrong hands. Thank you for your patience. Sincerely, James T. Jordan 7317 Sunleaf Lane Sacramento, CA 95828-6230 (916) 525-1855

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Public Comments 2004-D010
Public Submission    Posted: 10/16/2006     ID: DARS-2006-0065-0044

Oct 13,2006 11:59 PM ET