I am a Neuroscientist from MIT's Department of Brain and Cognitive Science, and work in the USA's largest neuroscience research facility. I have a deep understanding of pharmacology, and am familiar with exactly how it is that pharmaceutical drugs work, helping save American lives and livelihoods.
I suggest that the parties involved with this case DO NOT schedule these cannabinoids as schedule 1 drugs. It has been repeatedly shown in experiments that cannabinoids provide substantial beneficial effects to people who have Parkinson's Disease. This research was further expanded upon in 2010 with additional evidence that cannabinoid receptor agonists (the class of pharmaceutical which these chemicals fall under) can temporarily CURE Parkinson's disease.
(Citation: CNS & Neurological Disorders - Drug Targets, 2009, 8, 432-439)
I understand that drug abuse is a concern which needs to be addressed. But the very definition of a Schedule 1 drug ("no accepted medical use") should be rejected for these compounds, due to the indisputable evidence that these drugs are known to bind to this class of receptor, which has in turn been PROVEN to improve the lives of Americans who are unfortunate enough to be affected by this terrible disorder.
Ask yourself, if you or a loved one was unfortunate enough to develop Parkinson's disease, how would you feel knowing that you helped restrict neuroscientists' access to these compounds, and blocked research on some of the most promising pharmaceuticals currently under investigation.
Other than strongly discouraging research labs to research these chemicals, the additional hundreds of potential pharmaceuticals which are closely chemically related to these ones would NEVER be able to be researched, as scientists will be restricted by analog laws, and will not jump through government hoops for each and every possible unresearched chemical.
New cures improve American lives. Listen to the science. Please, do not schedule these compounds.
Comment on FR Doc # 2012-04982
This is comment on Proposed Rule
Schedules of Controlled Substances: Placement of Five Synthetic Cannabinoids into Schedule I
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