Comment Submitted by Barb Sachau

Document ID: DHS-2005-0037-0004
Document Type: Public Submission
Agency: Department Of Homeland Security
Received Date: July 27 2006, at 09:55 AM Eastern Daylight Time
Date Posted: July 28 2006, at 12:00 AM Eastern Standard Time
Comment Start Date: July 27 2006, at 08:35 AM Eastern Standard Time
Comment Due Date: August 28 2006, at 11:59 PM Eastern Standard Time
Tracking Number: 801a839a
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public comment on federal register of 7/27/06 vol 71 #144 pg 42605 dhs secy office 8 cfr part 215/235 rin 1601 aa35 usvisit - addition aliens added when you are letting in 20 million sneaking illegal criminal immigrants criminally sneaking into the u.s. all the time and the borders are still wide open, it is interesting that we are also letting in others with no real identification so that the numbers let in for whom we have no real identification is even much much bigger than 20 million. the present administration is exposing americans to all kinds of terrorism with these open borders. and the open boarders are being allowed to help the rich employers who want to pay pennies to workers. meanwhile getting $400 million in reitrement benefits for themselves what is happening to security and everything else under this administration is absolutely obscene. get dhs to round up every single immigrant and alien without proper reason to be in this country and send them home. let them make appeals to be here from their own countries. the taxpayers in this country are being driven into the ground by bush policies which make the education, medical and everything else costs of these illegal criminals be put on the backs of the middle class taxpaeyrs, meanwhile the rich employers making $400 million retirement benefits pay nothing in wages to anybody. and no taxes come into the u.s. treasury either. what is going on in washington dc these days is so corrupt, that we should ask our politicians to hang their heads in shame. this schame will do nothing really. we need an entire moritorium on all comers o the u.s. until we get this mess straightened out. put every single dollars in this department into getting out the illegal freeloaders. b. sachau 15 elm st florham park nj 07932

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