Comment Submitted By Kang Le

Document ID: DHS-2006-0063-0003
Document Type: Public Submission
Agency: Department Of Homeland Security
Received Date: December 13 2006, at 04:14 PM Eastern Standard Time
Date Posted: December 14 2006, at 12:00 AM Eastern Standard Time
Comment Start Date: October 12 2006, at 09:51 AM Eastern Standard Time
Comment Due Date: January 3 2007, at 11:59 PM Eastern Standard Time
Tracking Number: 801ebeff
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As an applicant for N-400 US citizenship, I was stuck with the FBI background check. It's been almost a year without any response. From what I understand, 2/3 of people will pass in the immediate computer check while 1/4 will pass with a little further check. Then the rest of 10% people will be manually checked by FBI agents. I'm one of the lucky 10%. Meanwhile, among Chinese nationals, the percentage is much greater. Among the people I know who's applying green card or citizenship, at least 50% (very conservatively) of them have waited for more than one year or longer (still waiting). This is just to let you know the severity of the situation. Are Chinese people deliberately targeted? So for the new Immigration Background Check Service, is it going to help the people like me? Since my background is still going to be manually checked, a centralized system still won't contain the information that can clear my background. Or will it? Here are some suggestions: 1. Currently USCIS does not know any background check status since it is FBI that controlled the progress of the check. Applicants should have the right to check the status directly from USCIS instead of endless and hopeless waiting. 2. USCIS should set a dealine for background check. One year should be a reasonable time frame. Applicants waited more than one year should get the priority check. Thank you.

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Comment Submitted By Kang Le
Public Submission    Posted: 12/14/2006     ID: DHS-2006-0063-0003

Jan 03,2007 11:59 PM ET