Dear DHS,
I am a United States citizen born and raised in Southern California. I am also a
private pilot. My family and I have traveled south of the border into Mexico for
years, mostly for vacation with the exception of one event. After hurricane John
wreaked havoc on the Baja penninsula in 2006, many private citizens went down
in their private aircraft to help the locals who lost everything. This not to mention
the doctors and others who regularly fly down offering desparatly needed medical
attention and supplies.
I would do anything to protect this Country of ours, anything. However, we are
America because we value the freedoms we have and those freedoms need
protecting above all else. Even our national security needs to be weighed against
our freedoms. If we lock ourselves in this Country, keeping us in and everyone
else out, are we really free and are we really safe.
Based on the proposed rule, the implementation of which would be disasterous for
tourism, trade and travel. Before any final rule is made, I would recommend
someone at a decision making level in DHS make a journey south of the border by
private (not charter, not government) but private aircraft and find out the
complexities and realities of what is being proposed.
For real time information on the potential problems involved please contact the
Baja Bush Pilots association, Flying Samaitians, Liga International just to name a
Thank you for the opportunity to make this correspondense.
Comment Submitted by David J. Stefko
This is comment on Proposed Rule
Privacy Act of 1974: Implementation of Exemptions; Advanced Passenger Information System
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