June 2, 2008
Federal Docket Management System Office
1160 Defense Pentagon
Washington, DC 20301-1160
Re: Agency: Office of the Secretary, Department of Defense (RIN # 0720-AB19);
TRICARE; Outpatient Hospital Prospective Payment System (“OPPS”).
To Mr. David Bennett:
On behalf of the Sharp HealthCare in San Diego, employing over 14,000 people, 4
acute care hospitals, three specialty hospitals, medical groups and multiple urgent
care centers, clinics and a health plan, we appreciate the opportunity to comment
on the Department of Defense’s (the DOD) proposed rule entitled TRICARE;
Outpatient Hospital Prospective Payment System (OPPS), 63 Fed. Reg. 17271
(April 1, 2008).
Currently, hospital outpatient services provided to TRICARE beneficiaries are
reimbursed based on the lower of the billed charge or the local CHAMPUS
Maximum Allowable Charge (CMAC). Generally, other hospital outpatient services
that are not reimbursed by TRICARE on a CMAC rate basis, except for ambulatory
surgery services, are reimbursed based on the hospital’s actual billed charges.
In the Proposed Rule, the DOD states that it will adopt the prospective payment
system for hospital outpatient services previously adopted by Medicare. Although,
the rule notes that DOD has proposed minor changes to accommodate the
differences between TRICARE benefits and population and Medicare benefit and
population, such as the inclusion of maternity benefits and preventative coverage in
While we understand that federal law mandates generally that TRICARE payments
equal Medicare payments, Sharp HealthCare is very concerned about the dramatic
financial impact the adoption of the Medicare OPPS will have on TRICARE rates
and thus hospitals. The Medicare Payment Advisory Commission that advises
Congress on the Medicare program estimates that the Medicare OPPS will pay
hospitals only 89 cents for every dollar spent treating Medicare beneficiaries in
calendar year 2008. It is expected that, upon implementation of the TRICARE
OPPS, overall reimbursement rates for hospital outpatient services may fall by as
much as 40 percent. Using a severely under funded system as a model would
present a financial hardship to hospitals that serve a high proportion of TRICARE
In order to ease the impact of the potential financial losses hospitals will face as a
result of the new payment methodology, Sharp HealthCare advocates that the
DOD gradually phase in any reductions in payments resulting from the
implementation by: (1) limiting the reduction in reimbursement rates by a certain
amount each year; and/or (2) implementing a transition period during which the
hospitals receiving lower reimbursement rates under TRICARE OPPS will be
entitled to additional payments. Both TRICARE and Medicare have historically
aided providers by incorporating a “phase-in period” during the transition from one
reimbursement methodology to another. Doing so will ensure that more TRICARE
network hospitals will retain their affiliation with the program, and that both
hospitals closest to large military installations and TRICARE beneficiaries will not
be adversely affected.
Sharp HealthCare appreciates the opportunity to comment on the TRICARE OPPS
proposed rule.
Susan Maddox
Vice President, Government Relations
Comment on DOD-2007-HA-0048-0003
This is comment on Proposed Rule
TRICARE; Outpatient Hospital Prospective Payment System (OPPS)
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Comment on DOD-2007-HA-0048-0003
Comment on DOD-2007-HA-0048-0003
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