Priority of payment as proposed will go to those who were killed, wounded or
injured in a combat zone. The DD 1607 does not include instructions to claim this
priority. Personnel offices do not maintain Line of Duty (LOD) determinations nor
do they maintain medical records that document injury. The rule as described
and the current DD 1607 does not support DoD obtaining the required data to
determine qualification for priority payment. If it is the intent of DoD to limit the
priority to those awarded the Purple Heart or civilian equivalent, then the proposed
rule should state as such clearly. As written, those injured in a combat zone and
not eligible for the Purple Heart are not instructed to provide supporting
documentation of injury. This lack of instruction will delay processing for those
injured. From personal experience severe injuries requiring medical treatment or
evacuation can occur due to combat operations but not due to enemy
direct/indirect action. The DD 1607 should be modified to either instruct the
applicant to claim priority payment and the appropriate documentation to validate
the claim. A LOD and/or medical records should suffice. The LOD annotates that
a Service Member was in a combat zone. Medical records do not. Utilizing the
Veterans Administration (VA) disibility claim does not support claims for this
program in a timely fashion. This option should be ruled out in that a Veteran's
disability claim takes well over nine months even as a OEF/OIF veteran and
receive priority treatment for disibility claim determination. Also, those Service
Members still on Active Duty do not normally initiate a claim through the VA until
Comment on DOD-2009-OS-0089-0001
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Public Submission Posted: 07/07/2009 ID: DOD-2009-OS-0089-0002
Aug 18,2009 11:59 PM ET