Comments on the DOE NOPR
Edward Kee, Vice President, CRA International, Inc.
These comments reflect the personal views of the author, Edward Kee. The views
presented here are not necessarily shared by Mr. Kee?s clients or colleagues and
these views do not represent the corporate position of Mr. Kee?s employer, CRA
International, Inc.
Title XVII of the Energy Policy Act of 2005 (EPAct) provides loan guarantee
benefits to certain energy technologies, including new nuclear power plants; the
loan guarantee program is to be implemented and administered by the
Department of Energy (DOE).
New nuclear power plants are expected to be one of the major beneficiaries of the
loan guarantee program and other provisions of the EPAct. The EPAct benefits
were intended to spur the development of the first round of new nuclear
investments in the US. The successful development of 6 or more new nuclear
plants would demonstrate to potential nuclear plant owners and lenders that the
new NRC licensing approach, improvements in nuclear plant design, and
management of nuclear plant costs could result in commercially successful
However, DOE?s approach to loan guarantees may not achieve the objectives of
the legislation.
A. Concerns with DOE?s approach
Three aspects of the DOE approach may mean that the loan guarantee program
does not achieve the goals of Title XVII:
? Debt structure
? Subsidy cost calculations
? Government role in commercial risks
1. Debt structure
There are three aspects of the DOE NOPR that define the debt of borrowers under
the loan guarantee program.
1.1. Limit on Guarantee creates Requirement for Non-Guaranteed Debt
The NOPR limits guaranteed loans to 80% of eligible project costs and to 90% of
total project debt. While this limit is an improvement from the 2006 guidelines, it
remains more restrictive than the legislation and creates a requirement for projects
to obtain non-guaranteed debt.
1.2. Subordination of Non-Guaranteed Debt
The 2007 NOPR, like the 2006 guidelines, requires that non-guaranteed debt be
subordinated to guaranteed debt.
1.3. No Stripping of Non-Guaranteed Debt
The 2007 NOPR stipulates that guaranteed creditors must also participate in
providing non-guaranteed debt without the right to strip the non-guaranteed debt for
sale to other lenders.
1.4. Combined effect of debt structure provisions
The combination of these three provisions is a requirement that projects obtain
subordinated and non-strippable non-guaranteed debt. The DOE view seems to
be that this will push the due diligence of projects onto the lenders providing this
However, there are concerns with this approach, including:
? The non-guaranteed debt may not be available in the commercial
market, or will only be available at exorbitant rates and fees
? In order to comply with these requirements, borrowers may resort to
measures that will undermine, if not defeat, the requirements; including
collateralization of non-guaranteed debt though equity commitments, third party
support, or debt service reserve fund requirements (just as ?non-recourse? project
finance loans may contain implicit recourse provisions)
? The interests of DOE and the interests of lenders may not be aligned,
at least with respect to the non-guaranteed, subordinated portion of the debt
? The no-stripping provision clashes with the realities of commercial
lending markets, where the well-established market in guaranteed debt may not
be available for the new bundled hybrid instrument consisting of the guaranteed
debt and the unsecured, non-guaranteed debt
An alternate approach might remove these three requirements, so that the initial
round of nuclear plants would receive the benefits that the legislation provided.
2. Subsidy Cost Calculation
DOE has to date declined to provide a method for calculating the subsidy cost of
guaranteed loans.
The approach to calculating subsidy cost approach is well established in FCRA
and in routine practice in other federal government loan guarantee programs,
where probability of default models are used to estimate expected government
payments and recoveries and develop subsidy cost estimates. Such models rely
on statistical analysis of large loan portfolios.
Projects eligible for Title XVII loan guarantees may not fit well into such a
probability of default approach. There is industry concern that such models may
be used in conjunction with probabilities of default derived from loans to publicly-
owned utilities for nuclear plants several decades ago. This might result in
subsidy costs that ignore the significant changes in NRC licensing, nuclear
technology and other factors, defeating the underlying purpose of Title XVII.
Two alternate approaches are recommended:
? DOE?s adoption of an method for calculating subsidy costs that will
provide applicants with the ability to understand the magnitude of the subsidy
costs and to manage the project aspects that will drive subsidy costs, or
? Adopt legislation that provides for government funding of the subsidy
costs, as in other government loan programs.
3. Government Exposure to Commercial Risks
As currently defined, a DOE loan guarantee covers the full range of risks faced
qualifying projects over a period up to 30 years. This would significant risks not
central to the goals of Title XVII, such as market offtake risk, contract
counterparty risk, and operating and maintenance risk. This approach will either
result in a screening of applications so that only the least risky projects receive
loan guarantees or high subsidy costs.
This exposure to commercial risks over a term that may be 30 years may be
driving some of the other features of the loan guarantee program, particularly the
debt structure provisions.
An alternate approach might be to structure the DOE guaranteed debt with a
much shorter term (e.g., a term that extends to no more than 2 years after
commercial operation), with a requirement that borrowers re-finance the
guaranteed debt with commercial debt at the end of this shorter term. Under this
approach, the DOE guaranteed debt might be similar to a commercial
construction loan and other restrictive loan guarantee provisions might be relaxed
without exposing the government to excessive risk.
B. Conclusion
DOE?s implementation of Title XVII is at a critical juncture. The 2007 DOE NOPR
implements Title XVII in a manner that may not achieve the goals of the legislation
and that may stop the revival of nuclear power in the U.S.
These comments are also provided in an attached PDF file
Comment on FR Doc # E7-09297
This is comment on Proposed Rule
Loan Guarantees for Projects that Employ Innovative Technologies
View Comment
Attachment on DOE-2007-0002-DRAFT-0004
Attachment on DOE-2007-0002-DRAFT-0004
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