While this proposed rule may be entitled "Occupational Radiation Protection", the fact is that the change in calculation for exposure time from calender day hours to workday hours will only lessen the amount of protection Nuclear Facilities will have to provide to their employees. While the employees of these facilities may only be exposed to radioactivity during the work day, the effects of radiation will continue long after they have gone home for the day, and the values of radiation that a human body is allowed to handle will only increase from this rule, causing more damage to the health of workers. If these facilities really care about the health of their employees, they will keep the current radiation appendix values as they are, and not increase the amount of contamination that their employees will be able to 'legally' handle. Just because their is a legal amount of radioactivity a body can sustain does not mean there is a healthy amount.
Occupational Radiation Protection
This is comment on Proposed Rule
Occupational Radiation Protection, Revision
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