rin 1400-ac35
public comment on federal register of 6/5/07 vol 72 #107 pg 31008 state dept
22 cfr part 62 public notice 5797 exchange visitor program for college students
i am surprised you have not noticed that american taxpayers are already paying
for twenty million illegal immigrants many of whom are students freeloading on
american taxpayers. many millions of foreign students have already sneaked
across our border determined to freeload on the backs of american taxpayers,
freeloading for free education, free medical care. in addition, pregnant mothers
purposefully sneak here to have their babies paid for and to have free education.
these twenty million sneaks are already an extreme load on american taxpayers,
many of whom ar eworking 3 jobs to pay high taxes for these freeloaders benefits.
in addition, their own children's education is being shortchanged to take money
from american children to educate all of these freeloading sneaks.
is this dept still living in l950. this is 2007. america has been invaded. when does
the state dept wake up and modify its policies to reflect the fleecing of america
that is going on? this program should be shut down and put on moritorium until
our political pimps wake up and start enforcing the immigration laws that
moderate the numbers of foreigners using all american processes and procedures.
what is going on with this invasion is absolutely devastating to america. and state
dept personnel need to wake up. it is not l950 anymore.
Comment on FR Doc # E7-10606
This is comment on Proposed Rule
Exchange Visitor Program--College and University Students, Student Interns
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