Dear Sir: I was presently working as a Public Bus Driver for over 10 years and had
been drug and alcohol tested several times over that 10 year period. I was
recently drug and alcohol tested (March 17, 2009) and results came up positive for
a minute amount of marijuana and was fired from my job. First of all I don't do
drugs except a prescribed drug called olanzapine that I'd stopped taking before I'd
returned to work (March 2,2009). The questions I have are: didn't I have a right to
another urinalysis even after explaining that I don't do drugs and even after I'd
gotton a Doctors letter stating the prescription drug? Also, shouldn't I have been
given a urinalysis upon my return to work on March 2nd?
Sincerely, Armando A. Martinez
Armando Acuna Martinez
This is comment on Rule
Procedures for Transportation Workplace Drug and Alcohol Testing Programs
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Public Submission Posted: 06/09/2009 ID: DOT-OST-2003-15245-0151
May 28,2003 11:59 PM ET