To ensure proper use of the Federal Direct Student Loan Program," it is most critical to address this: the system seems rigged to make it impossible for those who are struggling financially but are making every good-faith effort to pay off their federal student loan debt. What is really needed is a reasonable cap on the total amount paid back over the original loan amount. Many debtors end up paying double or triple what they actually borrowed to go to college. This seems completely out of sync with the original mission of the student loan program. People want to pay back FAIRLY what they borrowed, but unless you become gainfully employed soon after graduating (emphasis on gainfully) and can pay off your loan fast, interest compounds and the principal grows ad infinitum. Those who consolidate or rehabilitate their loans have to pay excessive fees and/or penalties in addition to that already capitalized interest. Instead of our system throwing those drowning in student loan debt a life preserver, it pours out more water, sinking them further and further down, making it harder and harder to recover. Please correct this systemic failure and restore all basic protections to borrowers of federally backed student loans, both new and old, including: refinancing rights, fair debt collection practices, truth in lending requirements, statutes of limitations, and usury laws.
Comment on FR Doc # 2013-11515
This is comment on Rule
William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan Program
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