Comments of the Council of Industrial Boiler Owners
April 17, 2009
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Air & Radiation Docket
1200 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Mail Code 6102T
Washington, DC 20460
Attn: Docket ID No. EPA-HQ- OAR–2003–0064
Re: Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) and Nonattainment New Source
Review (NSR): Aggregation
74 Fed. Reg. 11,509 (March 18, 2009)
Dear Sir or Madam:
The Council of Industrial Boiler Owners ("CIBO") appreciates the opportunity to
comment on EPA's proposal to delay the effective date of the final rule addressing
Aggregation under the NSR and PSD programs, published in the Federal Register
on January 15, 2009.
CIBO is a broad-based association of industrial boiler owners, architect-engineers,
related equipment manufacturers, and university affiliates with over 100 members
representing 20 major industrial sectors. CIBO members have facilities in every
region of the country and a representative distribution of almost every type of boiler
and fuel combination currently in operation. CIBO was formed in 1978 to promote
the exchange of information within the industry and between industry and
government relating to energy and environmental equipment, technology,
operations, policies, law and regulations affecting industrial boilers. Since its
formation, CIBO has been active in the development of technically sound,
reasonable, cost-effective energy and environmental regulations for industrial
boilers. CIBO supports regulatory programs that provide industry with enough
flexibility to modernize – effectively and without penalty – the nation's aging
energy infrastructure, as modernization is the key to cost-effective environmental
CIBO supports EPA's efforts to bring long-overdue clarity to the NSR program and
opposes any further delay in the implementation of this final rule.
The final NSR Aggregation Rule was published in the Federal Register on January
15, 2009 (74 Fed. Reg. 2376). The rule explains that source owners and
permitting authorities should combine physical or operational changes for the
purpose of evaluating whether they are a single change resulting in a significant
emissions increase when the changes are "substantially related." To be
substantially related, there should be an apparent technical or economic
interconnection between the changes, or a complementary relationship whereby a
change may exist and operate independently but its benefit is significantly
reduced without the other change. Although timing alone is not an adequate
basis for determining aggregation, the rule also established that a period of three
or more years between plant modifications created a rebuttable presumption that
the changes are not substantially related.
EPA first stayed the effective date of this final rule on February 9, 2009, in
response to a White House memorandum directing that Executive Branch
agencies extend the effective dates of certain rules that were published before
January 20, 2009 but were not yet effective. On February 13, 2009, in response to
an NRDC petition, EPA announced a reconsideration proceeding and an
administrative stay, delaying the effective date for three months until May 18,
2009. EPA now proposes to delay the effective date for an additional six months,
until November 18, 2009, to allow more time for conducting reconsideration
proceedings. Additionally, EPA seeks comment on longer periods for a delay of
effectiveness: nine additional months (until February 18, 2010) or twelve additional
months (until May 18, 2010).
The issue of NSR reform and its ramifications is very well known to the Agency.
EPA's approach to Aggregation prior to the clarifying Rule at issue here created
an untenable situation for regulated sources. That approach discouraged plant
modernization and energy efficiency, and created an untenable amount of
uncertainty for sources through the lack of clarity and changing agency
interpretations of its rules.
Further delay in administrative reforms regarding aggregation is wholly
inappropriate. Varying interpretations of aggregation policy have been confusing
to agencies and industry alike. This final rule offers a more accurate basis for
regulating facilities and provides greater certainty for operations and actions that
actually prevent pollution. Without timely clarification, the current NSR program
will continue to undermine the ability of facilities to increase their efficiencies and
adapt to the ever-increasing pressures of the declining economy and increasingly
competitive international market. Ample consideration has been given to this
effort. EPA should not further delay the effectiveness of this final rule.
If you have any questions concerning our comments or require clarification, please
contact me at 703.250.9042. Thank you for your consideration.
Sincerely yours,
/s/ Robert D. Bessette
Robert D. Bessette
President, Council of Industrial Boiler Owners
Comment submitted by Robert D. Bessette, President, Council of Industrial Boiler Owner (CIBO)
This is comment on Proposed Rule
Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) and Nonattainment New Source Review (NSR): Aggregation
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