Comment submitted by Jack O. Taylor, International Alternative Energy Resources (IAER)

Document ID: EPA-HQ-OAR-2007-0294-0204
Document Type: Public Submission
Agency: Environmental Protection Agency
Received Date: April 28 2010, at 12:00 AM Eastern Daylight Time
Date Posted: April 29 2010, at 12:00 AM Eastern Standard Time
Comment Start Date: April 28 2010, at 12:00 AM Eastern Standard Time
Comment Due Date: August 27 2010, at 11:59 PM Eastern Standard Time
Tracking Number: 80ae32bf
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COMMERCAILIZATION OF BIO-FUEL INIATIVE The next generation bio-fuels are at the point of commercialization. There are several companies that have processes that are ready for full commercialization but cannot go forward because the process and the fuel alone does not adders the four major draw backs to the wide spread use of bio- fuel. The four major draw backs of the present alternative fuel (Ethanol):  1. feed stock prices and availability  2. Transportation  3. Plant logistics  4. Product integration The problem is twofold, Bio- mass (front end) and the Process (back end).If we solve these drawbacks then bio fuel becomes commercially viable and profitable. In order to achieve this goal an integration approach must be taken. The proper integration of the front and back end of the overall process is the solution to the four mayor draw backs that prevent alternative fuel (Ethanol) form full scale commercialization. This integration approach will maximize the chances of successfully commercializing bio-fuel. As with the commercialization of any new technology, you must identify a target market that has the least barriers to entry. For bio fuel, the initial market segment should be the general aviation fuel. The state of the general aviation fuel segment lends its self perfectly to be the start-up market for bio-fuel.. Under the clean air act of 2006 100LL will either go away or be forced to change the mixture significantly and force aircraft manufactures to recertify their aircraft engines to run on something else. Because there is no replacement for 100ll, this bio-fuel is a need and preferred by all parties involved the debate. The ASTM D6227 - 04a Standard Specification for Grade 82 Unleaded Aviation Gasoline is the certification for the replacement fuel. Assembling a coalition consisting of several companies that have processes at a commercialization stage is the best approach to forward because:  Processes are ready for commercialization  Quickest path to 1 billion gallons of production  Will answer all the drawbacks to Ethanol This coalition will maximize the chances of success and is the quickest way to deliver production capacity. For this coalition to succeed it will take a broad range of support from all sectors ;( political, financial, and public), the coalition will benefit these sectors in the form of employment, assisting in the call to double the alternative fuel output in the next three years, and to help the public health by reducing the level of carbon monoxide in the atmosphere. Please show your support for this effort by contacting Jack O Taylor at International Alternative Energy Resources, 773 367 4721 or by email, .

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