Anonymous public comment

Document ID: EPA-HQ-OAR-2008-0318-0121
Document Type: Public Submission
Agency: Environmental Protection Agency
Received Date: July 30 2008, at 07:39 AM Eastern Daylight Time
Date Posted: July 31 2008, at 12:00 AM Eastern Standard Time
Comment Start Date: July 30 2008, at 12:00 AM Eastern Standard Time
Comment Due Date: November 28 2008, at 11:59 PM Eastern Standard Time
Tracking Number: 806a0d9c
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Carbon dioxide should not be regulated as a greenhouse gas. Real scientist don't anticipate much effect from carbon dioxide at all, much less "increasingly critical". Atmospheric carbon dioxide's greenhouse effect is logarithmic -- the first half of pre-Industrial Revolution-level effect was achieved by less than 20 parts per million, then needing the addition of 250 ppmv more to achieve the same warming increment to reach pre-IR effect and it will take a massive increase to repeat the dose again. (The "how much" depends on total sensitivity estimates but, utilizing A Field Guide to the Atmosphere (Houghton, 1983)'s commonly cited 7 K greenhouse effect for 300 ppmv (presumably from Kondratyev & Moskalenko but the origin of this common figure is obscure) then quadrupling pre-IR levels to 1120 ppmv can deliver a mere 1.71 K warming in total -- since there's already alleged to have been 0.7 K that leaves just 1 kelvin potential for adding another 740 ppmv to the current 380 ppmv.)

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Anonymous public comment
Public Submission    Posted: 07/31/2008     ID: EPA-HQ-OAR-2008-0318-0118

Nov 28,2008 11:59 PM ET
Anonymous public comment
Public Submission    Posted: 07/31/2008     ID: EPA-HQ-OAR-2008-0318-0121

Nov 28,2008 11:59 PM ET
Anonymous public comment
Public Submission    Posted: 07/31/2008     ID: EPA-HQ-OAR-2008-0318-0123

Nov 28,2008 11:59 PM ET
Anonymous public comment
Public Submission    Posted: 07/31/2008     ID: EPA-HQ-OAR-2008-0318-0124

Nov 28,2008 11:59 PM ET
Comment submitted by M. R. Fox, Ph.D
Public Submission    Posted: 07/31/2008     ID: EPA-HQ-OAR-2008-0318-0125

Nov 28,2008 11:59 PM ET