Myth #1 Carbon Dioxide causes Global Warming
Water vapor comprises 95% of all greenhouse gases. Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a
very minor greenhouse gas. Science is about testing a hypothesis. The real
question is whether human contribution of CO2 to the atmosphere causes global
warming (i.e., Theory of Man-Made Global Warming), and it needs to be tested.
The Modern Warming Period started 160 years ago. During this time, the earth's
surface temperature has increased 0.74o Celsius. During this time, temperatures
have fluctuated greatly while CO2 has increased steadily. A recent report
issued by NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies recognizes 1934 as the
hottest year in U.S. history (e.g., top 10 ranking of hottest years in U.S.
history: 1934, 1998, 1921, 2006, 1931, 1999, 1953, 1990, 1938 and 1939). Global
records show that between 1929 and 1939, which was a period of global depression
(i.e., The Great Depression,), human contribution of CO2 decreased dramatically
while global temperatures increased. Between 1940 and 1975, which is called the
"Post War Economic Boom," temperatures in theory, should have increased;
however, they decreased for 35 years, while human contribution of CO2 increased
significantly. The first test of the Theory of Man-Made Global Warming has
failed. Satellite records show that since 1998, the global temperatures have
stayed static or have declined slightly. Over the last 8 years, CO2 has
increased 4% (i.e., 14 parts per million). The hypothesis predicts that global
warming would occur. It hasn't. The second test has failed. The third test is
in glacial ice cores. Through glacial core sampling, scientists have been able
to liberate the earth's atmosphere from Antarctica and Greenland as far back as
400,000 years. They have found that the change in CO2 lags behind the change in
temperature by 800 years. This proves that CO2 does not drive the change in
temperature. Instead, temperature drives the change in CO2 in the earth's
atmosphere. The current increase in CO2 appears to be caused by the Medieval
Warm Period. The third test has failed the hypothesis. The Theory of Man-Made
Global Warming has been tested, and it has failed.
Myth #2 An increase in Carbon Dioxide significantly increases the Greenhouse
Effect and threatens the Human Race
Carbon dioxide's contribution to the Greenhouse Effect is logarithmic, which
means that each doubling of CO2 will have the same impact, and hence, each
additional unit of CO2 will have less impact than its predecessor. Doubling
causes about a 2% perturbation to the radiation budget (i.e., 2% change in the
Greenhouse Effect). Currently, the atmosphere holds CO2 at 380 parts per
million (ppm). Scientists have determined that before human contribution of
CO2, the highest concentration of CO2 in the last 650,000 years was 300 ppm.
This is a 27% increase. However, in a geological time frame, there is nothing
special about 650,000 years. During the Jurassic Period (199 – 145 million
years ago) and the Cretaceous Period (145 – 65 million years ago) the
concentration of CO2 was 10 times greater than it is today. During the Tertiary
Period (65 – 1.8 million years ago) CO2 was 2000 ppm. Scientists have estimated
that the 27% increase in CO2 has increased crop yield by 16%, for free. Hence,
an increase in CO2 has little risk to the human race and great advantage for a
growing global population. The greater risk is a decrease in CO2.
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Regulating Greenhouse Gas Emissions Under the Clean Air Act
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