My company develops, owns and operates multi-farm anaerobic manure digesters
in Washington State. Like nearly all other on-farm digesters, we use internal
combustion engines to burn the digester's methane to generate electricity and
capture waste heat for reuse in the digester. While I support the change to SO2
requirements for turbines running on biogas, a similar change to the requirments
for internal combustion engines is needed. Turbines are nice for high-end uses
which are still mostly experimental with biogas, but almost 100% of farmers with
manure digesters use ICE to burn their biogas. The EPA's own Agstar program
lists over 100 agriculture digester in operation with the vast majority producing
electrcity through ICE.(
Our company has been through the New Source Review process and we can
safely say that a relaxation of SO2 standards for ICE would have an immediate
and significant impact on farmers' willingness to adopt anaerobic digestion
technologies and hence reduce greenhouse gas emissions while generating
renewable energy. As it is, the NSR SO2 standards for ICE on farms are a major
deterrent to innovation for real-world use of biogas.
I would also appreciate it if someone from EPA or elsewhere could contact me
about this question since it is nearly impossible to reach the right person on these
issues. Thanks. Daryl Maas. 360-424-4519.
Comment submitted by Daryl Maas, Farm Power Northwest LLC
This is comment on Rule
Standards of Performance for Stationary Combustion Turbines - Direct Final Rule
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Public Submission Posted: 04/21/2009 ID: EPA-HQ-OAR-2008-0748-0003
Apr 20,2009 11:59 PM ET