Dear EPA:
As usual, it appears that you have taken a semi-good idea and used it to beat the average citizen over the head with. i am referring to the Clean Air Act. There is nothing wrong with the air in this sountry that can not be fixed by the citizens in this country. But let's just go ahead and regulate the crap out of people and that'll fix 'em. Yoiur regulations seem to have no bounds, and no common sense. Perhaps you could speak to 'Barry' and let him know that we are on to him. Between him and your agency, you have made this government a joke, and a cruel one at that.
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Proposed Settlement Agreements, Clean Air Act Citizen Suits
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Public Submission Posted: 08/04/2011 ID: EPA-HQ-OGC-2011-0635-0003
Aug 31,2011 11:59 PM ET