Comment submitted by T.G. Moore

Document ID: EPA-HQ-OPP-2005-0174-0018
Document Type: Public Submission
Agency: Environmental Protection Agency
Received Date: July 13 2006, at 12:50 PM Eastern Daylight Time
Date Posted: July 13 2006, at 12:00 AM Eastern Standard Time
Comment Start Date: July 13 2006, at 12:00 AM Eastern Standard Time
Comment Due Date: August 4 2006, at 11:59 PM Eastern Standard Time
Tracking Number: 8019d004
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This is comment on Proposed Rule

Sulfuryl Fluoride; Request for Stay of Tolerances

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RE: EPA-HQ-OPP-2005-0174-0011 -- Sulfuryl fluoride, pesticide tolerance Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to comment upon the proposed EPA rule about sulfuryl fluoride's impending widespread use as a fumigant. As EPA's impetus to ribber-stamp Dow Chemical moving forward to replace methyl bromide as a fumigant of joice BEFORE considering the National Academies' conclusion that at 4 ppm (the concentration of fluoride in water you used to justifiy your action) the American public IS NOT PROTECTED from the harmful effects of F-, you have chosen to rely upon outdated and politically-engineered science (i.e., the 4 ppm fluoride in drinking water upper limit standard has always been an unconsciounable scientific joke) to justify exposing your people to even higher levels of the harmful F- ion. The Centers for Disease Control, an agency that absolutely adores fluoride compounds (especially in drinking water), even admits that roughly 1/3 of American children show signs of dental fluorosis. From the late 80s to the turn of the century, evidence of children showing chronic fluoride toxicity (i.e., dental fluorosis) increased nearly 10%. In light of this fact, in light of the NAS recent work, in light of Elise Bassin's recent publication in "Cancer Causes and Control" that demonstrates a significant risk increase in bone cancer for young boys regularly exposed to fluoridated water, and in light of the 1990 NTP NaFstudy concluding 'equivocal evidence of carncinogenicty' (i.e., the NTC NAF cancer findings initially were very unequivocal, but "curiously" all cancer endpoints were systematically downgraded 2 levels), WHY ON EARTH WOULD YOU ADVOCATE FOR EVEN GREATER UBIQUITOUS EXPOSURE TO F-? Your position makes absolutely no sense. In truth, it is abundantly evident that politics and the driving force of big-time economics, rather than rational judgement and honest science, is driving this position forward. The only good that may come out of this policy is the fact that finally, and hopefully finally, the American people will wake up to the fact that their government is not looking out after them. As more people's teeth and health are being compromised by out-of-control exposure to F-, predominately from processed foods/beverages and municipal drinking water, hopefully more citizens will begin to petition the government for fundamental change. For now, please curtail your relentless drive to expose your friends, relatives, and fellow citizens to sulfuryl fluoride residue in processed foods. Your next big career job offer from a chemical Multi-national corporation just isn't worth it! Sincerely, T.G. Moore

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