public comment on federal register of 12/5/07 vol 72 #233 pg 68582
epa docket 2006 0507 frl 8154-6 attention steven bradbury and mark howard
napthalene acetic acid
why are we spreading a derivative of coal tar analogous to benzene on vegetation
anyplace i nthis world? i see no reason for this and believe this application should
be denied.
<chemistry> A white crystalline aromatic hydrocarbon, C10H8, analogous to
benzene, and obtained by the distillation of certain bituminous materials, such as
the heavy oil of coal tar. It is the type and basis of a large number of derivatives
among organic compounds. Formerly called also naphthaline.
b. sachau
15 elm st
florham park nj 07932
Comment submitted by B. Sachau
This is comment on Notice
Naphthalene Acetic Acid, its Salts, Ester, and Acetamide; Reregistration Eligibility Decision and Amendment for Low-Risk Pesticide; Notice of Availability
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Public Submission Posted: 12/11/2007 ID: EPA-HQ-OPP-2006-0507-0019
Jan 04,2008 11:59 PM ET