public comment on federal register of 8/2/06 vol 71 #148 pg 43740
docket 2006 0618 frl 8082-5
i do not approve of any use of this product at all ever. i think it is time epa stopped
using the american public and mother earth as sites for poisoning. i think their
allowance of far too pervasive toxics is clear far too often. this use should be
banned. we simply cannot risk the use of this product in my opinion.
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Toxicity, Organophosphate
Last Updated: August 7, 2004 Rate this Article
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Synonyms and related keywords: organophosphate poisoning, OP compounds,
insecticides, malathion, parathion, diazinon, fenthion, dichlorvos, chlorpyrifos,
nerve gases, soman, sarin, tabun, VX, ophthalmic agents, echothiophate,
isoflurophate, trichlorfon, herbicides, industrial chemicals
Author Information Introduction Clinical Differentials Workup Treatment Medication
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Author: Marina C Furtado, MD, Staff Physician, Department of Emergency
Medicine, University Medical Center, University of Arizona
Coauthor(s): Lisa Chan, MD, Associate Program Director, Department of
Emergency Medicine, University of Arizona
Marina C Furtado, MD, is a member of the following medical societies: American
College of Emergency Physicians
Editor(s): Lisa Kirkland, MD, Senior Associate Consultant, Department of Internal
Medicine, Division of Area Internal Medicine, Mayo Clinic, Rochester; Francisco
Talavera, PharmD, PhD, Senior Pharmacy Editor, eMedicine; Om Prakash
Sharma, MD, Professor, Department of Medicine, Division of Pulmonary and
Critical Care Medicine, University of Southern California; Timothy D Rice, MD,
Associate Professor, Departments of Internal Medicine and Pediatrics and
Adolescent Medicine, Saint Louis University School of Medicine; and Michael R
Pinsky, MD, Professor of Critical Care Medicine, Bioengineering, Anesthesiology,
University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, University of Pittsburgh Medical
INTRODUCTION Section 2 of 11
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Background: Organophosphate (OP) compounds are a diverse group of chemicals
used in both domestic and industrial settings. Examples of OPs include
insecticides (malathion, parathion, diazinon, fenthion, dichlorvos, chlorpyrifos),
nerve gases (soman, sarin, tabun, VX), ophthalmic agents (echothiophate,
isoflurophate), and antihelmintics (trichlorfon). Herbicides (tribufos [DEF],
merphos) are tricresyl phosphate?containing industrial chemicals.
OP compounds were first synthesized in the early 1800s when Lassaigne reacted
alcohol with phosphoric acid. Shortly thereafter in 1854, Philip de Clermount
described the synthesis of tetraethyl pyrophosphate at a meeting of the French
Academy of Sciences. Eighty years later, Lange, in Berlin, and, Schrader, a
chemist at Bayer AG, Germany, investigated the use of OPs as insecticides.
However, the German military prevented the use of OPs as insecticides and
instead developed an arsenal of chemical warfare agents (ie, tabun, sarin, soman).
A fourth agent, VX, was synthesized in England a decade later. During World War
II, in 1941, OPs were reintroduced worldwide for pesticide use, as originally
Massive OP intoxication from suicidal and accidental events, such as the
Jamaican ginger palsy incident in 1930, led to discovery of the mechanism of
action of OPs. In 1995, a religious sect, Aum Shinrikyo, used sarin to poison
people on a Tokyo subway.
Pathophysiology: The primary mechanism of action of OP pesticides is inhibition
of acetylcholinesterase (AChE). AChE is a neurotransmitter found in the CNS and
the peripheral nervous system, and its normal physiologic action is to break down
acetylcholine (ACh). OPs inactivate AChE by phosphorylating the serine hydroxyl
group located at the active site of AChE. The phosphorylation occurs by loss of an
OP leaving group and establishment of a covalent bond with AChE.
Once AChE has been inactivated, ACh accumulates throughout the autonomic
nervous system, the somatic nervous system, and the brain, resulting in
overstimulation of the muscarinic and nicotinic receptors. The preganglionic and
postganglionic neurons in the parasympathetic nervous system release ACh.
Postganglionic ACh acts on muscarinic receptors on the heart, eyes, glands, GI
tract, and respiratory system. Somatic motor axons emerge from the spinal cord
and directly innervate muscle cells at the neuromuscular junction, releasing ACh
on nicotinic receptors. The brain and spinal cord both contain muscarinic and
nicotinic receptors. The brain is richer in muscarinic receptors, whereas the spinal
cord has relatively more nicotinic receptors. Cholinergic pathways in the brain are
associated with various behaviors and functions, including hunger, thirst,
thermoregulation, respiration, aggression, and cognition.
Once an OP binds to AChE, the enzyme can undergo 3 processes, including (1)
endogenous hydrolysis of the phosphorylated enzyme by esterases or
paraoxonases, (2) reactivation by a strong nucleophile such as pralidoxime (2-
PAM), and (3) biological changes that render the phosphorylated enzyme inactive
OPs can be absorbed cutaneously, or they can be ingested or inhaled. Although
most patients become symptomatic 12 hours after exposure, onset and duration
of action depend on the nature and type of compound, the degree and route of
exposure, the mode of action of the compound, lipid solubility, and rate of
metabolic degradation.
In the US: The American Association of Poison Control Centers' National
Incidence Report indicates that pesticide injuries number 70,000-80,000 annually.
Nationwide, 3.9% of poisonings are due to insecticides.
Internationally: Pesticide poisonings are the most common mode of suicide in
some developing countries (eg, Sri Lanka).
Worldwide mortality studies report mortality rates from 3-25%. The compounds
involved most frequently are malathion, dichlorvos, trichlorfon, and
Mortality rates depend on the type of compound used, amount ingested, general
health of the patient, delay in discovery and transport, insufficient respiratory
management, delay in intubation, and failure in weaning off ventilatory support.
Complications include respiratory distress, seizures, and aspiration pneumonia.
Respiratory failure is the most common cause of death.
A study by Emerson et al found that men aged 30-50 years were more likely to
attempt suicide with OPs. In the study, 68 of the 69 patients were men.
Agarwal found that most OP poisonings occur in patients aged 21-30 years. The
male-to-female ratio in the study was 2.1:1.
Both Emerson and Agarwal found that accidental poisoning was more likely in
children than in adults.
CLINICAL Section 3 of 11
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History: Signs and symptoms of OP poisoning can be divided into 3 broad
categories, including (1) muscarinic effects, (2) nicotinic effects, and (3) CNS
Muscarinic effects by organ systems include the following:
Cardiovascular - Bradycardia, hypotension
Respiratory - Rhinorrhea, bronchospasm, bronchorrhea, cough
Gastrointestinal - Increased salivation, nausea and vomiting, abdominal pain,
diarrhea, and fecal incontinence
Genitourinary - Urinary incontinence
Ocular - Blurred vision, miosis
Glands - Increased lacrimation, increased sweating
Mnemonic devices used to remember the muscarinic effects of OPs are SLUDGE
(salivation, lacrimation, urination, diarrhea, GI upset, emesis) and DUMBELS
(diaphoresis and diarrhea; urination; miosis; bradycardia, bronchospasm,
bronchorrhea; emesis; lacrimation excess; salivation excess).
Nicotinic signs and symptoms include muscle fasciculations, cramping,
weakness, and diaphragmatic failure. Autonomic nicotinic effects include
hypertension, tachycardia, pupillary dilation, and pallor.
CNS effects include anxiety, restlessness, confusion, ataxia, seizures, insomnia,
dysarthria, tremors, and coma.
Vital signs
Depressed respiratory rate, bradycardia, and hypotension are common.
Hypothermia also can be observed.
Type I - Acute paralysis secondary to persistent depolarization at the
neuromuscular junction
Type II (intermediate syndrome) - Intermediate syndrome was described in 1974,
with an incidence from 8-49%. It develops 24-96 hours after resolution of acute
cholinergic poisoning symptoms and manifests commonly as paralysis and
respiratory distress. This syndrome involves proximal muscle groups, with relative
sparing of distal muscle groups. Various degrees of cranial nerve palsies also are
observed. Neuromuscular transmission defect and toxin-induced muscular
instability play a role in intermediate syndrome. Intermediate syndrome persists
for 4-18 days, can require intubation, and can be complicated by infections or
cardiac arrhythmias.
Type III - Organophosphate-induced delayed polyneuropathy (OPIDP) occurs 2-3
weeks after exposure to large doses of certain OPs. Distal muscle weakness with
relative sparing of the neck muscles, cranial nerves, and proximal muscle groups
characterize OPIDP. Recovery can take up to 12 months.
Neuropsychiatric effects - Impaired memory, confusion, irritability, lethargy,
psychosis, and chronic OP-induced neuropsychiatric disorder
Extrapyramidal effects - Dystonia, cogwheel rigidity
Other neurological and/or psychological effects - Guillain-Barr?like syndrome,
isolated bilateral recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy
Ophthalmic effects - Optic neuropathy, retinal degeneration, defective vertical
smooth pursuit, myopia, and miosis (due to direct ocular exposure to OPs)
Ears - Ototoxicity
Respiratory effects - Muscarinic, nicotinic, and central effects contribute to
respiratory distress in acute and delayed OP toxicity.
Muscarinic effects, such as bronchospasm and laryngeal spasm, can lead to
airway obstruction.
Nicotinic effects lead to weakness and paralysis of respiratory oropharyngeal
Central effects can lead to cessation of respiration.
Rhythm abnormalities - Sinus tachycardia, sinus bradycardia, extrasystoles, atrial
fibrillation, ventricular tachycardia, and ventricular fibrillation
Other cardiovascular effects - Hypotension, hypertension, and noncardiogenic
pulmonary edema
GI manifestations such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain are the
first to occur after OP exposure.
Genitourinary and/or endocrine effects - Urinary incontinence, hypoglycemia or
In a study of OP poisoning in India, Agarwal found that 67.4% of patients had
suicidal intentions, 16.8% of the poisonings were caused by occupational
exposures, and 15.8% of patients were poisoned accidentally.
An Australian study of OP poisoning performed by Emerson found that only 36%
of patients had suicidal intentions compared to 65-75% in developing countries.
Job exposure matrices (JEMs) are used widely in occupation epidemiology when
biological and environmental monitoring data are scant.
DIFFERENTIALS Section 4 of 11
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Gastroenteritis, Viral
Toxicity, Mushroom
Other Problems to be Considered:
Mushroom poisoning
Myasthenia gravis
Eaton-Lambert syndrome
Guillain-Barr? syndrome
Quick Find
Author Information
Laboratory diagnosis of OP poisoning is based on the measurement of
cholinesterase activity. Both erythrocyte and plasma cholinesterase levels can be
used. Urinary paranitrophenol can be measured in parathion poisoning.
Depressed cholinesterase levels only confirm the diagnosis of OP poisoning
retrospectively because testing requires approximately 4-7 weeks.
Draw blood for measurement of RBC count and plasma cholinesterase levels prior
to treatment with 2-PAM.
Erythrocyte AChE represents the AChE found in CNS gray matter, RBCs, and
peripheral nerve, tissue, muscle, and brain.
Plasma cholinesterase is a liver acute phase protein that circulates in the blood
plasma. It is found in CNS white matter, the pancreas, and the heart.
Erythrocyte cholinesterase is the more accurate of the 2 measurements, but
plasma cholinesterase is easier to assay and is more widely available.
Mild poisoning is defined as depression in cholinesterase activity to 20-50% of
normal. Moderate poisoning occurs when activity is 10-20% of normal. Severe
poisoning occurs at less than 10% of cholinesterase enzyme activity. Small short-
term exposures can depress cholinesterase activity to very low levels with minimal
symptoms. Levels do not always correlate with clinical illness.
The level of cholinesterase activity is relative and is based on population
estimates. Neonates and infants have baseline levels that are lower than those in
adults. Because most patients do not know their baseline level, the diagnosis can
be confirmed by observing a progressive increase in the cholinesterase value until
the values plateau over time.
Falsely depressed levels of RBC cholinesterase can be found in cases of
pernicious anemia, hemoglobinopathies (eg, sickle cell anemia, thalassemia), use
of antimalarial drugs, and use of oxalate blood tubes.
Falsely depressed levels of plasma cholinesterase are observed in cases of liver
dysfunction (eg, cirrhosis), low protein conditions (eg, malnutrition), neoplasia, and
infectious hypersensitivity reactions. In addition, the use of drugs such as
succinylcholine, codeine, and morphine renders falsely depressed plasma
cholinesterase levels. The first and second trimesters of pregnancy and genetic
deficiency of plasma cholinesterase are other causes.
Other laboratory findings include leukocytosis with a normal differential consistent
with a stress reaction, increased hematocrit from hemoconcentration due to fluid
losses, anion gap acidosis due to poor tissue perfusion and hyperglycemia with
hypokalemia, and hypomagnesemia due to catecholamine excess.
Hydration status determines blood urea nitrogen, creatinine, and urine specific
Other Tests:
ECG findings - Prolonged QTc interval (most common, up to 67%), elevated ST
segments, inverted T waves, prolonged PR interval
TREATMENT Section 6 of 11
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Medical Care: Secure the patient's airway. Intubation might be necessary in cases
of respiratory distress from laryngospasm, bronchospasm, or severe bronchorrhea.
Monitor neck muscle weakness, respiratory rate, arterial blood gas, and mental
status regularly to assess progression or decompensation. The tidal volume
initiated by the patient can be used as a measure of disease severity in patients
who are intubated.
Withhold administration of atropine until a cardiac monitor and a defibrillator are in
place and until the patient's airway is secured. Atropine can precipitate ventricular
fibrillation in hypoxic patients.
Continuous cardiac monitoring and an ECG are necessary. Electrical pacing is the
treatment of choice for ventricular tachycardia associated with a prolonged QTc.
Atropine can reverse some cardiac manifestations. Electrolyte abnormalities might
cause dysrhythmias.
Strip and gently cleanse patients with suspected OP exposure with soap and
water because OPs are hydrolyzed readily in aqueous solutions with a high pH.
Consider clothing hazardous waste and discard accordingly. Ethyl alcohol has
been used to wash intact skin to prevent further absorption of the OP compound
through the skin.
Healthcare providers must avoid contaminating themselves while handling patients.
Use personal protective equipment, such as neoprene or nitrile gloves and gowns,
when decontaminating patients because hydrocarbons can penetrate nonpolar
substances such as latex and vinyl. Use charcoal cartridge masks for respiratory
protection when decontaminating patients.
Irrigate the eyes of patients with ocular exposures using isotonic sodium chloride
solution or lactated Ringer's solution. Morgan lenses can be used for eye irrigation.
Activated charcoal (0.5-1 g q4h) is used for gastric decontamination. Sorbitol can
be used; however, many patients have increased GI motility following OP
MEDICATION Section 7 of 11
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The mainstay of medical therapy in OP poisoning is atropine or glycopyrrolate, 2-
PAM, and diazepam, which can be used for seizure control.
In 1991, De Silva studied the treatment of OP poisoning with atropine and 2-PAM
and, later the same year, with atropine alone. He found that atropine seemed to be
as effective as atropine plus 2-PAM in the treatment of acute OP poisoning. The
controversy continued when other authors observed more respiratory
complications and higher mortality rates with use of high-dose 2-PAM. Low-dose
(1-2 g slow IV) 2-PAM is the current recommendation. Studies are underway to
assess the role of low-dose 2-PAM.
Drug Category: Anticholinergic agents -- Believed to work centrally by suppressing
conduction in the vestibular cerebellar pathways. They may have an inhibitory
effect on the parasympathetic nervous system.Drug Name
Atropine (Isopto, Atropair) -- Initiated in patients who manifest muscarinic
symptoms with OP toxicity. Competitive inhibitor at autonomic postganglionic
cholinergic receptors, including receptors found in GI and pulmonary smooth
muscle, exocrine glands, heart, and eye.
Place the patient on a cardiac monitor, have a defibrillator in the room, and secure
patient's airway before administering atropine because it can cause cardiac
dysrhythmias. The endpoints for atropinization are heart rate >100 beats/min,
midsized pupils, and present bowel sounds.
Adult Dose 1-2 mg IV bolus, repeat 2 mg IV q5-15min prn to relieve muscarinic
Atropine drip titrated to the above endpoints can be initiated until patient's
condition is stabilized
Pediatric Dose 0.05 mg IV, repeat q10-30min prn to relieve muscarinic symptoms;
maintenance dose 0.02-0.05 mg/kg
Contraindications Documented hypersensitivity; thyrotoxicosis; narrow-angle
glaucoma; tachycardia
Interactions Coadministration with other anticholinergics has additive effects;
pharmacologic effects of atenolol and digoxin might increase; antipsychotic effects
of phenothiazines might decrease; tricyclic antidepressants with anticholinergic
activity might increase effects of atropine
Pregnancy C - Safety for use during pregnancy has not been established.
Precautions Avoid in patients with Down syndrome and/or children with brain
damage to prevent hyperreactive response; avoid in coronary heart disease,
tachycardia, CHF, cardiac arrhythmias, and hypertension; caution in peritonitis,
ulcerative colitis, hepatic disease, and hiatal hernia with reflux esophagitis; in
prostatic hypertrophy, prostatism can cause dysuria and might require
Drug Name
Glycopyrrolate (Robinul) -- Indicated for use as an antimuscarinic agent to reduce
salivary, tracheobronchial, and pharyngeal secretions. Acts in smooth muscle,
CNS, and secretory glands, where blocks action of ACh at parasympathetic sites.
Reduces volume and acidity of gastric secretions. Blocks cardiac vagal inhibitory
reflexes. Unlike atropine, does not cross the blood-brain barrier.
Adult Dose 0.1 mg IV q3-4h prn to reverse muscarinic effects
Pediatric Dose 4-10 mcg/kg IV q3-4h prn to reverse muscarinic effects; not to
exceed 0.2 mg/dose or 0.8 mg q24h
Contraindications Documented hypersensitivity; narrow-angle glaucoma;
tachycardia; ulcerative colitis; paralytic ileus; acute hemorrhage
Interactions Levodopa decreases effects; amantadine and cyclopropane increase
glycopyrrolate toxicity
Pregnancy C - Safety for use during pregnancy has not been established.
Precautions Might produce blurred vision, cycloplegia, increased intraocular
tension, xerostomia, decreased sweating, palpitations, nausea, vomiting,
constipation, bloating, urinary hesitancy and retention, impotence, suppression of
lactation, headaches, nervousness, confusion, weakness, drowsiness, insomnia,
rash, urticaria, or anaphylaxis; might increase chances of developing megacolon,
hyperthyroidism, CHF, CAD, hiatal hernia, and BPH; not recommended for
children <12 y or patients with Down syndrome
Drug Category: Antidotes, OP poisoning -- Reverse muscle paralysis with toxic
exposure to OP poisoning.Drug Name
Pralidoxime (2-PAM, Protopam) -- Nucleophilic agent that reactivates the
phosphorylated AChE by binding to the OP molecule. Used as an antidote to
reverse muscle paralysis resulting from OP AChE pesticide poisoning but is not
effective once the OP compound has bound AChE irreversibly. Current
recommendation is administration within 48 h of OP poisoning. Because it does
not relieve depression of respiratory center significantly or decrease muscarinic
effects of AChE poisoning, administer atropine concomitantly to block effects of
OP poison on these areas.
Signs of atropinization might occur earlier with addition of 2-PAM to treatment
Adult Dose 1-2 g IV in 100 mL isotonic sodium chloride soln/D5W over 15-30 min;
repeat in 1 h if muscle weakness is not relieved; then repeat q3-8h if signs of
poisoning recur
Pediatric Dose 20-40 mg/kg IV in 100 mL isotonic sodium chloride soln/D5W over
15-30 min; repeat in 1-2 h if muscle weakness not relieved; then repeat q10-12h
prn to relieve cholinergic symptoms
IM/SC can be used if IV is not feasible; can be used with atropine
Contraindications Documented hypersensitivity
Interactions Use barbiturates with caution because action of barbiturates is
potentiated by AChE inhibitors; antagonism with neostigmine, pyridostigmine, and
edrophonium; morphine, theophylline, aminophylline, succinylcholine, reserpine,
and phenothiazines can worsen condition of patients poisoned by OP insecticides
or nerve agents (do not administer)
Pregnancy C - Safety for use during pregnancy has not been established.
Precautions Rapid injection can cause tachycardia, laryngospasm, muscle
rigidity, pain at the injection site, blurred vision, diplopia, impaired accommodation,
dizziness, drowsiness, nausea, tachycardia, hypertension, and hyperventilation;
can precipitate myasthenia crisis in patients with myasthenia gravis and muscle
rigidity in healthy volunteers; decrease in renal function will increase drug levels in
the blood because 2-PAM is excreted in the urine; can produce transient elevation
in creatine phosphokinase; 1 of 6 patients will have an elevation in SGOT and/or
Drug Category: Benzodiazepines -- By binding to specific receptor sites, these
agents appear to potentiate the effects of gamma-aminobutyrate (GABA) and
facilitate inhibitory GABA neurotransmission and other inhibitory transmitters.Drug
Diazepam (Valium, Diastat, Diazemuls) -- For treatment of seizures. Depresses
all levels of CNS (eg, limbic and reticular formation) possibly by increasing activity
of GABA.
Adult Dose 5-15 mg IV q5min, repeat prn; not to exceed 30 mg q8h
Pediatric Dose 0.05-0.3 mg/kg/dose IV/IM over 2-3 min q15-30min, repeat in 2-4 h
prn; not to exceed 10 mg
Contraindications Documented hypersensitivity; narrow-angle glaucoma
Interactions Increases toxicity of benzodiazepines in CNS with coadministration of
phenothiazines, barbiturates, alcohols, and MAOIs
Pregnancy D - Unsafe in pregnancy
Precautions Caution with other CNS depressants, low albumin levels, or hepatic
disease (might increase toxicity)
FOLLOW-UP Section 8 of 11
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Further Inpatient Care:
Because of risk of development of respiratory depression or intermediate
syndrome after resolution of an acute cholinergic crisis, hospitalizing all
symptomatic patients for at least 4-6 days following resolution of symptoms is
recommended. Some sources suggest that asymptomatic patients can be
discharged from the emergency department (ED) after decontamination and 6
hours of observation. Follow-up care must be certain.
Following occupational exposure, patients should not be allowed to work with OPs
until serum cholinesterase activity returns to 75% of the known baseline level.
Health care providers must avoid contaminating themselves while handling patients
poisoned by OPs.
Use personal protective equipment, such as neoprene or nitrile gloves and gowns,
when decontaminating patients because hydrocarbons can penetrate nonpolar
substances such as latex and vinyl.
Use charcoal cartridge masks for respiratory protection when decontaminating
Complications include respiratory distress, seizures, and aspiration pneumonia.
Patient Education:
For excellent patient education resources, visit eMedicine's Poisoning - First Aid
and Emergency Center and Bioterrorism and Warfare Center. Also, see
eMedicine's patient education articles Poisoning, Activated Charcoal, Poison
Proofing Your Home, Chemical Warfare, and Personal Protective Equipment.
MISCELLANEOUS Section 9 of 11
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Medical/Legal Pitfalls:
Because of the risk of development of respiratory depression or intermediate
syndrome after resolution of an acute cholinergic crisis, hospitalizing all
symptomatic patients for at least 4-6 days following resolution of symptoms is
Some sources suggest that asymptomatic patients can be discharged from the
ED after decontamination and 6 hours of observation.
Follow-up care must be certain, and failure to follow up is a potential pitfall.
As stated in Differentials, the symptoms of OP poisoning can mimic other
toxidromes and diseases. The clinician must keep in mind that misdiagnosis is a
potential medical/legal pitfall.
PICTURES Section 10 of 11
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Caption: Picture 1. Chemical Terrorism Agents and Syndromes. Signs and
symptoms. Chart courtesy of North Carolina Statewide Program for Infection
Control and Epidemiology (SPICE), copyright University of North Carolina at
Chapel Hill,
Picture Type: Image
BIBLIOGRAPHY Section 11 of 11
Author Information Introduction Clinical Differentials Workup Treatment Medication
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Aaron CK, Howland MA: Insecticides: Organophosphates and carbamates. In:
Goldfrank LR, Flomenbaum NE, Lewin NA, Weisman RS, Howland MA, Hoffman
RS, eds. Goldfrank's Toxicologic Emergencies. 6th ed. Stamford, Ct: Appleton &
Lange; 1429-48.
Agarwal SB: A clinical, biochemical, neurobehavioral, and sociopsychological
study of 190 patients admitted to hospital as a result of acute organophosphorous
poisoning. Environ Res 1993 Jul; 62(1): 63-70[Medline].
Bailey B: Organophosphate poisoning in pregnancy. Ann Emerg Med 1997 Feb; 29
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Chuang FR, Jang SW, Lin JL: QTc prolongation indicates a poor prognosis in
patients with organophosphate poisoning. Am J Emerg Med 1996 Sep; 14(5): 451-3
Dart RC: Organophosphate Insecticides. In: The 5-minute Toxicology Consult.
Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2000: 554-5.
De Silva HJ, Wijewickrema R: Does pralidoxime affect outcome of management in
acute organophosphorous poisoning? Lancet 1992; 339: 1136[Medline].
Ehrich M, Gupta R: Organophosphates: Organophosphate Poisoning, Intermediate
Syndrome. In: Wexler P, Gad SC, eds. Encyclopedia of Toxicology. Vol 2.
Academic Press 1998.
Emerson GM, Gray NM, Jelinek GA: Organophosphate poisoning in Perth,
Western Australia, 1987-1996. J Emerg Med 1999 Mar-Apr; 17(2): 273-7[Medline].
Johnson S, Peter JV, Thomas K: Evaluation of two treatment regimens of
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Matkevich VA, Simonenkov AP, Ostapenko IuN, et al: [Use of serotonin adipinate
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Mileson BE, Chambers JE, Chen WL: Common mechanism of toxicity: a case
study of organophosphorous pesticides. Toxicol Sci 1998 Jan; 41(1): 8-20
Moretto A: Experimental and clinical toxicology of anticholinesterase agents.
Toxicol Lett 1998 Dec 28; 102-103: 509-13[Medline].
Peter JV, Cherian AM: Organic insecticides. Anaesth Intensive Care 2000 Feb; 28
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Wagner SL: Diagnosis and treatment of organophosphate and carbamate
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Yamashita M, Yamashita M, Tanaka J: Human mortality in organophosphate
poisonings. Vet Hum Toxicol 1997 Apr; 39(2): 84-5[Medline].
Medicine is a constantly changing science and not all therapies are clearly
established. New research changes drug and treatment therapies daily. The
authors, editors, and publisher of this journal have used their best efforts to provide
information that is up-to-date and accurate and is generally accepted within
medical standards at the time of publication. However, as medical science is
constantly changing and human error is always possible, the authors, editors, and
publisher or any other party involved with the publication of this article do not
warrant the information in this article is accurate or complete, nor are they
responsible for omissions or errors in the article or for the results of using this
information. The reader should confirm the information in this article from other
sources prior to use. In particular, all drug doses, indications, and
contraindications should be confirmed in the package insert. FULL DISCLAIMER
Toxicity, Organophosphate excerpt
it is my opinion that this kind of risk cannot be assumed for the continued use of
this product.
b. sachau
15 elm st
florham park nj 07932
Comment submitted by B. Sachau
This is comment on Notice
Organophosphate Cumulative Risk Assessment; Notice of Availability
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