Society for In Vitro Biology Public Policy Committee Comments on EPA?s two
proposed rule changes for the exemption of tolerance for virus coat proteins
expressed in plants as part of a Plant-Incorporated Protectant (PIP)
Public Comment on EPA?s proposed rule changes for the exemption of tolerance
for virus coat proteins expressed in plants as part of a Plant-Incorporated
Protectant (PIP).
The Society for In Vitro Biology (SIVB) Public Policy Committee has read the
proposed changes to 40 CFR Part 174, to exempt under the Federal Insecticide,
Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) certain plant incorporated protectants
derived from plant viral coat protein genes (PVCP-PIPs) and to exempt from the
requirement of a tolerance under the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act
(FFDCA) certain residues of viral coat proteins expressed in plants as part of a
Plant-Incorporated Protectant (PVC-Proteins). While the SIVB Public Policy
Committee applauds and agrees with the concept of the exemption in principle,
there are specific elements of the proposed changes that we think need
reconsideration and revision.
First, we believe the EPA should not limit the scope to only viral coat protein
genes, but to all plant viral genes. It is important to note that not all plant viruses
have coat proteins? some lack coats altogether; while others have envelopes, so
geneticists need to have several tools at their disposal to achieve virus
resistance. Furthermore, even when a plant virus has a coat protein, it is now
possible to use DNA that codes for proteins other than coat proteins in order to
create transgenic virus-resistant crops. Expressing a viral coat protein, therefore,
represents only one approach of several that may be useful. It is thus incumbent
on EPA to be able to exempt all plant viral sequences from FIFRA. The three
issues of concern for EPA and its analysis of these issues in the present
proposed rule apply equally well to other viral sequences, not just sequences
encoding coat proteins.
EPA cites 3 areas of potential concern: a) potential for increased weediness; b)
potential for novel virus creation and c) potential for human toxicity. In no case
was the EPA able to cite a real-world example (i.e., outside of very controlled
laboratory or greenhouse conditions) where a problem has been manifest, so all
these problems remain in the theoretical, rather than in the probable realm of
possibilities. Furthermore, after years of experience with transgenic squash and
papaya, none of EPA?s concerns have materialized. Therefore, EPA should take
into consideration the experience of crops already in the field, which thus far,
under real-world conditions, are manifestly low-risk. This experience has validated
the risk assessments already completed by USDA/APHIS as part of that
agency?s deregulation process, and therefore supports EPA?s proposal to exempt
papaya under ? 174.27(a)(1) and also supports the use of option 4 as a valid
approach for ? 174.27(a)(2) and the inclusion of squash as an exempt species
under that option, if EPA retains its current proposal for exemption under ? 174.27.
However, as EPA recognizes, likelihood is one of the components of a risk
assessment, and in both proposed rules fails to identify any situations that have
high likelihood and high hazard resulting from the incorporation of PVCP-PIP?s, or
any other plant viral sequences for that matter. The SIVB Public Policy
Committee argues that the current state of knowledge about PBCP-PIP?s and
other plant viral sequences, does not warrant their treatment other than as low
risk, and therefore can be categorically exempted by EPA from regulatory
requirements under FIFRA and FFDCA.
Potential for Increased Weediness (pertinent mainly to FIRFA)
On the issue of weediness, the SIVB Public Policy Committee disagrees with
some of the EPAs assumptions. While there is no doubt at all that many crops
can hybridize with their wild relatives, there are many additional steps between
hybridization and introgression. Hybridization does not, inexorably, lead to
introgression and finally, to any negative impact resulting from it. Introgression
requires survival of the F1 plants, the survival of hybrids between the F1 and the
wild relatives, and survival and crossing of the progeny for a few more
generations. There are precious few examples of bona-fide introgressions, and, in
fact, the EPA complains about the lack of data on introgression. The reason for
this lack of data is straightforward: introgression, to the extent it happens, has
not created any noticeable problems, or at least problems worth studying.
Indeed, over the years, extensive studies of the potential impacts of other
transgenic traits into wild relatives?in this case sunflowers (see e.g. Arias and
Rieseberg. 1994 ; Whitton et al. 1997 ; Linder et al. 1998; Snow et al. 1998 ;
Rieseberg et al. 1999; Pilson, 2000 ; Pilson and Decker. 2002: Burke and
Rieseberg. 2003; Snow et al. 2003), including disease resistance transgenes,
have not demonstrated that introgression of traits, while potentially enhancing
fitness, would enhance weediness of wild or feral populations receiving the
Transgenes, viral coat protein or otherwise, do not exist independently in the
plant?s genome. They are integrated into a chromosome, and thus physically
linked to many other genes. In a crop plant, these genes have been selected to
enhance the plant?s performance under cultivation, i.e., they condition a
domestication syndrome (e.g., lack of dormancy, lack of thorns, lack of
bitterness, lack of shattering, etc). Domestication typically leaves a plant
unadapted to survival in the wild; any of these traits can counteract any beneficial
impact a transgene may have.
Undoubtedly, there is a chance a resistance transgene might get introgressed into
a wild population; however, the probability is likely similar to a resistance gene
arising spontaneously in the wild population. As we have gotten to know the
nature of plant resistance alleles, we now realize they can and do rearrange
themselves rather frequently to produce new alleles. Plant populations, after all,
are genetically dynamic.
Novel Virus Creation
With respect to novel virus creation, the EPA recaps at great length its initial
assessment of why it originally decided viral interactions were of negligible
consequence. Years of experience with transgenic crops in the field have proven
EPA?s initial assessment to be accurate. However, in a stance that is contrary to
its original assessment and the accumulated data, the EPA contrives a
precautionary, non-scientific reason as to why it should not exempt several
construct designs that confer viral resistance.
The proposed rules are based on recommendations from the 2004 and 2005
SAPs. An enormous amount of information on resistance mechanisms has come
to light since then, and the SAP comments are simply outdated based on the
biological discoveries of the past several years. We now know that transgenes
confer viral resistance via RNA interference (RNAi), a process whereby mRNA
gets degraded in the cytoplasm. Thus, the absence of mRNA in the cytoplasm
will, in fact, decrease the chances of viral recombinations or transencapsidations.
Likewise, the docket expresses concerns that constitutive promoters can
increase the amount of mRNA available in the cytoplasm. In fact, quite the
opposite happens. High levels of a given mRNA in the cytoplasm stimulate an
RNA-dependent RNA polymerase that creates double stranded RNA, which is the
trigger for the RNAi mechanism. Alternatively, a construct designed to produce
double stranded RNA via antisense RNA will trigger the RNAi mechanism, again,
destroying mRNA in the cytoplasm.
It is precisely because of the existence of RNAi that the EPA proposal to only
exempt events whereby ?the genetic material that encodes the pesticidal
substance is inserted only in an inverted repeat....? is misguided and
counterproductive. Antisense constructs and sense constructs expressed at high
levels can be very effective at triggering RNA silencing and should not be
precluded a priori.
The exemption, therefore, needs to be targeted to any construct capable of
producing silencing RNAs, without dictating the need for inverted repeats, lack of
ATG codon, etc. Based on the extensive history of safe use, there is no reason
to exclude plants producing viral coat proteins from exemption.
In addition, the proposed exclusions to the exemption, outlined below, would also
be counterproductive and as they would preclude the ability to use RNAi, the
latest, most effective, and safest technology available.
1. Reducing the extent of shared sequence similarity between the infecting virus
and the transgene to reduce the opportunities for homologous recombination.
This is ill-advised because homology is needed to trigger RNA silencing;
furthermore, once silencing is triggered, there are no RNA molecules left to
engage in recombination. In fact, this recommendation will have the opposite of
the desired effect? it will make silencing less likely, and therefore increase the
possibility of heterologous recombination.
2. Excluding any sequences containing replicase recognition sites that are
potential sites and any sequences known or thought to be recombinatorial
In the absence of mRNA in the cytoplasm, these recommendations become moot.
3. Avoiding potential hairpin structures in the transgene.
Again, this is an absolutely counterproductive recommendation, as the most
effective silencing constructs are designed to create a hairpin between inverted
repeats. As mentioned previously, the most effective silencing strategies are
those which eliminate all viral mRNA from the cytoplasm. Not only is this the
most effective in terms of resistance, it is also the most effective strategy if the
goal is to eliminate any chance of recombination between viruses.
Potential for Human Toxicity - Production of Proteins
As is the case with the section on viral interactions, the EPA?s initial assessment
on the safety of viral proteins was correct, as evidenced by the history of safe use
which the technology has accrued in transgenic fruits and vegetables, and by the
safe consumption of an almost infinite array of naturally occurring plant viral
proteins in the human diet. There is no scientific reason why the EPA cannot
exempt all plant viral proteins.
Furthermore, the recommendations EPA is making here are, again,
counterproductive, and are guaranteed to make the technology less effective and
less safe, rather than safer. The recommendations are also contradictory and, as
such, require revision.
First, the EPA recommends that constructs rely only on ?inverted repeats.? Yet,
this strategy is only effective with a hairpin between the repeats. As we have
already pointed out, however, the previous section advises against hairpins.
Second, the EPA also demands that the viral sequence must be ?virtually
unmodified.? As defined, virtual modification precludes truncations. However, for
the construction of effective silencing constructs, is neither necessary nor
desirable to use the whole coding sequence? 200 to 400 bp are sufficient and
Last, the docket goes on to call for allergenicity testing of viral coat proteins,
particularly if there has been an insertion or deletion. The EPA acknowledges that
there is no evidence whatsoever that viral proteins or their derivatives are
allergenic, and in fact, the recommendation for allergenicity testing is contrary to
the weight of all available scientific evidence. Current allergenicity evaluation
paradigms use criteria that have been well validated, and are, furthermore,
independent of whether a gene has a deletion or not.
The SIVB Public Policy Committee recommends that EPA extends the exemption
to all plant viral proteins.
Inert Ingredients that may be used in PIPs
The SIVB Public Policy Committee endorses the recommendations as outlined by
EPA. We applaud the addition of tratracycline resistance to the list. We would
also recommend the addition of the hph gene (hygromycin phosphotransferase) for
hygromycin resistance, and mutant, resistant versions of the AHAS gene
(acetohydroxy acid synthase) for resistance to imidazalinone herbicides.
Respectfully submitted,
Public Policy Committee of the Society for In Vitro Biology
Pamela J. Weathers, Ph.D., Chair
Todd Jones, Ph.D., Committee Member
June Bradlaw, Ph.D., Committee Member
Wayne Parrot, Ph.D., ad hoc Committee member
Arias, D.M. and L.H. Rieseberg. 1994. Gene flow between cultivated and wild
sunflower. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 89:655-660.
Whitton, J.D. et al. 1997. The persistence of cultivar alleles in wild populations of
sunflowers five generations after hybridization. Theoretical and Applied Genetics
Linder, C.R., et al. 1998. Long-term introgression of crop genes into wild sunflower
populations. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 96(March):339-347.
Snow A.A. et al. 1998. Fecundity, phenology, and seed of F1 wild-crop hybrids in
sunflower (Helianthus annuus, Asteraceae). American Journal of Botany 85:794-
Rieseberg, L.H. et al. 1999. Introgression between cultivated sunflowers and a
sympatric wild relative, Helianthus petiolaris (Asteraceae). International Journal of
Plant Science 160:102-108.
Pilson, D. 2000. Herbivory and natural selection on flowering phenology in wild
sunflower, Helianthus annuus. Oecologia 122(1):72-82.
Pilson, D. and K.L. Decker. 2002. Compensation for herbivory in wild sunflower:
response to simulated damage by the head-clipping weevil. Ecology 83:3097-3107.
Burke, J.M., and L.H. Rieseberg. 2003. Fitness effects of transgenic disease
resistance in sunflowers. Science 300(May 23):1250.
Snow, A.A., et al. 2003. A Bt transgene reduces herbivory and enhances
fecundity in wild sunflowers. Ecological Applications 13(April):279-286.
Comment attachment submitted by Public Policy Committee, Society for In Vitro Biology
Title: Comment attachment submitted by Public Policy Committee, Society for In Vitro Biology
Comment submitted by Public Policy Committee, Society for In Vitro Biology
This is comment on Proposed Rule
Exemption from the Requirement of a Tolerance under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act for Residues of Plant Virus Coat Proteins that are Part of a Plant-Incorporated Protectant (PVC-Proteins); Supplemental Proposal
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Comment attachment submitted by Public Policy Committee, Society for In Vitro Biology
Comment attachment submitted by Public Policy Committee, Society for In Vitro Biology
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