Scott D. Phillips, MD, FACP, FACMT, FAACT
Department of Medicine, Division of Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology
University of Colorado Health Science Center
Rocky Mountain Poison & Drug Center
777 Bannock St, Mail Code# 0180
Denver CO 80204
FIFRA Scientific Advisory Panel
Office of Pesticide Programs
(OPP) Regulatory Public Docket (7502P),
Environmental Protection Agency, 1200
Pennsylvania Ave., NW, Washington, DC 20460–0001
Docket Identification Number: EPA–HQ–OPP–2008–0274
Re: Evaluation of the Toxicity Profile of Chlorpyrifos in
Conjunction with
Effects Reported in Rauh et al (2006)
Dear SAP Panel on Chlorpyrifos:
As a physician toxicologist, I have evaluated many patients during my career. I
use the traditional medical approach in caring for patients. I meet with them,
take a history of their concerns and complaints, and ask probing questions to
tease out certain aspects of their case. Not only do I examine the main
complaint of the person, but also gather information that gives me acceptable
constructs of the overall health and health risks of each case. We then perform
a physical examination and any indicated laboratory tests within an iterative
process, to further refine this diagnosis and consider potential treatment that
may be indicated. In this process, a consideration of picogram concentrations
of substances is not on my clinical radar. In fact, I am not aware that
picogram concentrations of any substance have been demonstrated to cause
developmental abnormalities. When evaluating a subject, I am most concerned
with the clinical findings of the case and relevant health risks, such as;
tobacco smoke, alcohol and other abused substances, seat belts usage, child
abuse/neglect, potable water, clean air, helmet use, cholesterol and blood
pressure measures. That is, health care, not health speculation. To make such
firm statements about such a vanishingly small quantity of a substance (at the
exclusion of tens of thousands of others), as is the case for chlorpyrifos as
reported in Rauh et al (2006) and a defined medical endpoint, defies clinical
common sense.
It is easy to draw wrong conclusions from epidemiological studies involving
low-level exposure, because most such studies have some imperfections.
Associations potentially identified in epidemiological studies are not causal
because they may be due to unidentified or uncontrolled confounders, to bias or
to chance. Let us now examine the case of chlorpyrifos (CPF) in the Rauh paper
in more detail.
Chlorpyrifos (CPF) is generally well absorbed through the gastrointestinal tract
and the lungs. (Aprea 1994, Nolan 1984) Dermal absorption is significantly
less than other routes because it presents a barrier to penetration. (Nolan
1984) Chlorpyrifos is an inhibitor of the acetylcholinesterase (AChE) enzyme.
Inhibition of AChE is believed to be the most sensitive response in all species
evaluated, as well as in humans, regardless of exposure (EPA 1999, Clegg 1999).
Long-term feeding studies have shown no effects at doses less than 1 mg/kg/d
for studied endpoints in mammals and birds (Barron 1995). Clinically,
CPF-induced toxicity results almost entirely from inhibition of AChE by the
parent substance and its bioactivation product, the chlorpyrifos oxon (Namba et
al. 1971)
Extrapolating from laboratory animals to humans may be done in the case of
chlorpyrifos because the mechanism of action of the pesticide is the same in all
species examined, and the metabolism and excretion of chlorpyrifos are similar,
if not identical, in humans and common laboratory animals. Nevertheless, animal
experiments have not conclusively demonstrated a developmental effect or
toxicity related to CPF.
In animal studies, the LOAEL for acetylcholinesterase (AChE) inhibition has been
reported to be 0.5-mg/kg/day dosing. The internal dose that has resulted in
measurable brain AChE inhibition is > 1 mg/kg/day. (Hoberman 1998, Maurissen
2000) These levels are dramatically greater than those reported by Rauh to
cause neurotoxic effects. Why is it that definitive guideline-compliant animal
studies are disparate with Rauh?
I have read with great interest the paper by Rauh, et al (2006). In this study
the authors evaluated an ongoing cohort for developmental toxicity (DNT) based
on CPF exposure. The authors describe their exposure groups based on umbilical
cord plasma levels. It is important to recognize that these groups are actually
dose groups, not exposure groups. The later term “exposure groups” is used as a
general term in epidemiological analysis, but is in fact, very different from
the internal dose that was assayed in this study. In this paper the authors did
not correlate environmental sampling (exposure) with biological samples (dose).
The authors divide the exposure groups (dose groups) into high and low groups as
discussed below. These groups are then compared by several common statistical
methods used in observational studies. While I believe that their statistical
and epidemiological methods are sound, there are marked limitations to the
results of this study based on the exposure and dose characterizations.
Furthermore, it should be remembered the observational studies seek to determine
association, not causation.
Rauh, et al (2006) stratified the exposure groups (internal dose groups) into 4
categories: undetectable, and 3 tertiles of detection. Because of differences
in the developmental scores in the “high exposure” group versus the other
groups, the authors dichotomized the “exposure variable” (dose groups) as above
and below 6.17 picograms of CPF per gram of plasma (pg/g).
The within-subject percent coefficient of variation (%CV) is a measure of
reproducibility. It determines the degree of closeness of repeated measurements
taken on the same subject either by the same instruments or on different
occasions under the same conditions. It is clear that, the smaller the %CV, the
better the reproducibility. Barr (2002) reported %CV of 20% for CPF. Rauh et
al did not report this in their study. Thus the accuracy of dividing the
subjects by their exposure groups with such precision (6 x 10-12 grams) lends
itself to bias by potentially assigning them to the wrong group
(misclassification, in either direction) based on the inherent variability of a
laboratory test.
At picogram/gram levels, a cutoff level of 6.17 is so precise and so close to
the limits of detection of the assay that it creates the possibility of
misclassification. The Rauh (2006) cohort has 50 patients in the high exposure
group versus 204 in the low exposure group. If the error of the test is 20 %CV
from the mean, and the accuracy is 0.05 (95% confidence interval) and the SD is
0.02 pg/g then there is a possibility that some cases were misclassified which
may alter the results.
As clinical toxicologists, we struggle with the interpretation of AChE levels in
acute and chronic poisoning cases. The same is true for vanishingly small
levels of any toxicant. What does it mean? How does it relate to the signs and
symptoms that we are observing? These questions cannot be answered by one
manuscript. The suggestions by Rauh (2006), that CPF cord levels at a
trillionth of a gram (6.17 x 10-12) are related to an adverse outcome in
medicine, is not supported by the weight of the scientific evidence. The Rauh
paper suggests an association, but it is not clinically recognizable by
physicians, which questions its relevance. In fact, this study suggests that a
level of 6.18 pg/g is associated with developmental effects, but a level of 6.16
pg/g is not. Levels that approach the extremes of measure are difficult to
interpret in their clinical context ((clinically evident (what a clinician can
detect in an examination of a patient) disease)) and are beyond clinical
recognition by physicians. It is important to realize that the ability to
accurately measure a substance near its level of detection (LOD) does not imply
that it, de novo, has any adverse effects. Based on these levels, the known
mechanism of action for chlorpyrifos, and confounding socioeconomic factors
within this cohort, I don’t think the reported findings have toxicological or
clinical relevance. The fact that they measured CPF at single picogram
quantities in the plasma doesn’t mean a causal nexus exists with a DNT issue,
even if there were a statistical correlation. Perhaps a more meaningful test
would have been to compare all levels to the developmental scores as a
continuous variable to determine a potential dose response relationship.
The authors have also reported adverse effects on development with PAH’s, ETS,
postpartum maternal hardship, diazinon and propoxur metabolites, yet they do not
test those exposures in this study (Choi 2006, Perera 2007, Choi 2008, Perera
2005, Perera 2006). A prior paper (Whyatt et al 2003) also found diazinon;
propoxur and o-phenylphenol in breathe zone air samples in this cohort. Thus,
since Rauh has not controlled for substances that they have previously reported
to be related to DNT, they have introduced confounding into this manuscript.
It is impossible for observational epidemiological studies to understand or
measure every exposure that may confound the results. Rauh et al (2006) did not
adequately control this study for confounders, based on their own prior research
involving different chemicals. In this case the authors are basing their
results only on CPF. The Rauh paper also does not provide an indication of
maternal medications consumed during pregnancy nor lactation, factors that may
also confound.
It is commonly known that patients do not provide accurate substance abuse
histories. This bias is not malicious, but rather to maintain the appearance of
being a good parent. Inferring a causal nexus with CPF in the face of
unmeasured or controlled confounders just does not make clinical sense.
Toxicologically, it is the equivalent of pulling one straw out of a pile of a 20
million and saying that it is the common denominator holding the haystack
There are many medications that may have been taken by the cohort in the Rauh
study that are inhibitors of AChE. These are used as medicines to treat a
variety of health conditions. These conditions include myasthenia gravis,
glaucoma, bladder spasm, bowel hypomotility, Alzheimer’s, and parkinsonism
syndromes. Failure to consider and control for these medications or conditions,
introduces bias, which may affect the study results in a positive or negative
way. If effects reported by Rauh are presumably due to inhibition of AChE, then
multiple factors, not just CPF, need to be considered.
A reported symptom (subjective report) alone cannot be used to determine dose,
exposure concentration or a possible source of an exposure. Causation analysis
must be used to determine if an illness is the direct result of some substance
based on a weight of the evidence approach. Furthermore, causation should be
inferred from multiple studies, by different investigators at different times,
and in different places.
The Hill criteria detailed below are used to make an assessment of the weight of
the evidence approach to causation. This methodological approach has been
adopted by several agencies and bodies, including, but not limited to: the World
Health Organization (2006), United States Environmental Protection Agency
(2005), Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) 2001, and
National Academy of Sciences (1999).
In order to provide an appropriate framework for the present discussion, each of
the Hill Criteria is discussed. These are not to be taken individually, but
rather it is their collective strength that supports causation. The more
criterions that are satisfied, the greater the weight of evidence in causation
analysis. This provides scientific strength to the causal nexus.
1. Strength: The magnitude of the alleged association when measured
appropriate statistical tests.
2. Consistency: Different persons in different places, circumstances and
must also observe the observed association.
3. Specificity: A single cause produces a specific, defined effect.
4. Temporality: Exposure must occur prior to development of the
5. Biological Gradient: The “dose-response” relationship.
6. Plausibility: The association is consistent with current accepted
understanding of pathological mechanisms.
7. Coherence: The association is compatible with existing theory and
8. Experiment: Introducing an appropriate experimental regimen can alter
9. Analogy: Consideration for all other possible alternative explanations.
The paper by Rauh is not consistent with existing knowledge of chlorpyrifos from
animal toxicology studies. Current evidence indicates that chlorpyrifos does
not adversely affect reproduction or development. No effects were seen in
animals tested at dose levels up to 5 mg/kg/day (Breslin 1986), despite maternal
effects noted above 3 mg/kg/d. No effects on reproduction occurred in a
three-generation study with rats fed dietary doses as high as 1 mg/kg/day (EPA
1989, Thompson 1971). In another study in which rats were fed 1.0 mg/kg/day for
two generations, the only effect observed was a slight increase in the number of
deaths of newborn offspring (Gallo 1991).
Despite the positive statistical correlates in the Rauh study, their reported
results are over-stated based on mechanistic toxicology of CPF, animal studies,
and the clinical perspective. The dose levels in the Rauh paper are far below
those studies in animals and which have been without effects on
neurodevelopment. The Columbia cohort findings have simply not been
demonstrated in any of the animal toxicology studies for chlorpyrifos. The Rauh
study findings are not supported using a weight of the evidence approach to
determine a causal nexus, and the reported results need to be considered with
In summary, I am concerned that important decisions could be considered based
a study (Rauh) that is flawed from a toxicological perspective. I urge the
Panel to give careful and considerate thought to the overstated results of this
paper that are in contrast to the known body of literature on DNT and CPF.
Scott D. Phillips, MD, FACP, FACMT, FAACT
Associate Clinical Professor Of Medicine
University of Colorado Health Sciences Center
Rocky Mountain Poison and Drug Center
Denver, CO
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Comment submitted by Scott D. Phillips, University of Colorado Health Science Center
Title: Comment submitted by Scott D. Phillips, University of Colorado Health Science Center
Comment submitted by Scott Phillips, MD, University of Colorado Health Science Center
This is comment on Notice
FIFRA Scientific Advisory Panel; Notice of Change of Public Meeting Dates
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Comment submitted by Scott D. Phillips, University of Colorado Health Science Center
Comment submitted by Scott D. Phillips, University of Colorado Health Science Center
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