re opp 2009-0192 - app 56228-eup-un gonadatropin for use on wild horses in north dakota -application by usda
one has to wonder why aphis wants to do testing after testing after testing when they have done many tests already showing a very favorable success rate for this birth control. birth control in women has worked for the past 60 years. one has to wonder why deer and horses are considered to take so much longer. the fact is the hunting wildlife murdering public does not want birth control used. they want endless eternal testing to take place on gonacon instead of it being used cheaply to stop any pretense they have for shooting deer to death. if deer populaton can be controlled with gonacon, they dont have the propaganda that they need to come out to "thin the herd". usda works with hunters so i think that this is a sneaky attempt to keep this birth control substance from ever being used. the gun lobby does not want it used. because it will undercut them. and you know the nra is the richest lobby in the entire country. guns rule - or do they? when will ordinary people realize that we are all being pushed around by what a few profiteers want. this product is successful. it is ready for use in all cases right now. usda wants to work with hunters to keep wildlife murder by gun going. stop allowing these gun wackos to rule all of america. science has produced this successful product. it can be used on horses. it can be used on deer. let it be used. and watch usda because if they can sneakily hurt the product, i believe they will. our government is very sneaky and devious these days and the powerful wildlife murdering crowd seems to be calling the shots far too often. i dont like it. i dont think it is a healthy society to do this to this product. i think the people need investigators to watch what goes on at usda. the product is has been proven successful.
Comment submitted by J. Public
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Pesticide Experimental Use Permit; Receipt of Application; Comment Request
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Public Submission Posted: 09/11/2009 ID: EPA-HQ-OPP-2009-0192-0003
Oct 12,2009 11:59 PM ET