The EPA must clamp down on all possible prion carriers that have even any likelihood of being transmitted to human beings. Having lost my mother to sporadic Creutzfeldt Jakob Disease I've seem first hand what prions can do to the human brain. Please read Dr. Michael Greger's article here--
There is much to be concerned about with the 85% of cases of CJD that supposedly appear sporadically- magically- without cause, but the scariest thought is that it is very probably linked to our food supply as we already know that variant CJD is linked to Mad Cow.
People are more important than cattle industry profits. As a government agency, the FDA has become too compromised to do its job of functioning as an unbiased umpire. You have to realize that these are real lives being lost in a horrible way. CJD and other prion diseases are far more than mere pests-- they are one of the most horrible ways to die that I can imagine.
Please think of your own families and loved ones and regulate the heck out of all the meat produced by factory farms.
Comment submitted by J. Millet
This is comment on Proposed Rule
Clarification of Product Performance Data for Products with Prion-Related Claims; Availability
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