the only tolerance allowed should be 000000000000000000.0000000000000000000000ppm.
the commodity definition shuld not be changed from hog kidney. this toxic chemical is beign applied to a real live animal and such needs to be recognized. 248 toxic chemicals are already in teh american body courteesy of epa laxity and negligence. they do no cross contamination with the thousands of other chemicals to see if toxics can result from teh combination exposing americans to danger. much danger. the danger is out there. this agency is failing the public for profiteers profits. what this chemical does to a rat has absolutely no relevance to what it can do to a person. the tests on rats started in l500 ad and ar not accurate at all. that is widely accepted that tests on animals are no relevant to what can happen to a person. the profiteers refuse to use more relevant, more modern and more accurate tests. epas proposal should be disapproved. this comment is for the public record.
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Proposed Pesticide Tolerances: Trinexapac-ethyl
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Public Submission Posted: 07/17/2012 ID: EPA-HQ-OPP-2010-0524-0026
Sep 11,2012 11:59 PM ET