Dear Men and Women of the study of toxic effects on everything,
Please realize that we are not all 'average' in the same way.
The idea of ignoring many of us in pursuit of benefit for a few others is abhorrent.
While I understand the need of your paymasters to sell the toxic materials in an unfettered manner, it is your collective job to advise them with wisdom and morality.
I see no such wisdom or morality in the current state of regulation of toxic material use in the US today.
I see ridiculous simplification of a complex science with programmed obfuscation for profit. Congratulations on your profits, I hope they serve you well.
"A good reputation is easily lost; and only uneasily regained."
You MUST condider the extreme variability of individual responses and the extreme variability of exposure scenarios.
When you allow, no inspire, the widespread use of virulently destructive poisons you MUST care about all the accidental victims and the accidental statistical reality of hypersensitivity coupled with excessive exposures. Or do you?
It is clear that your masters do not allow the recognition of these statistical outliers; and they refuse to allow you to do real science, even to learn real science.
This has made the entire field of "TOXICOLOGY" appear inept and untrustworthy for those of us you have failed.
I see a 'label' that says 'safe to control:...' and I know to disbelieve all of it. Not that it is not safe for many, just that it is not 'safe for ALL to control:....'
When I see 'PBPK/PD' I think "Cat in the Hat" with a simple twisted story line, overtly odd simple characters, and unrealistic predictable outcomes (safe (for everyone) to control:...). The direct industry payments to the developers of these unpublished model results make said results just as suspect as all the other direct industry funded studies and research and premeditated human exposures used to encourage widespread human exposures through air, water, food, and contacts with th
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Public Submission Posted: 10/25/2010 ID: EPA-HQ-OPP-2010-0588-0005
Oct 26,2010 11:59 PM ET