comments on applciations
1-pp2E8012-by ir-4 division of rutger polluting university - tebaconazole on barley - i do not believe this is safe to use on either plants or animals.
2. pp2E8016 proposed by ir-4 rutgers polluting university in the cancer alley of nj - hexyethiozon on pepper - the only tolerance allowed should be zero.
3. pp2E8018 syngenta proposes emanectin benzoate -the only tolerance allowed shuld be zero
4. pp 2E8025 ir4 proposal from rutgers polluting university in cancer alley nj - imazosulfuron - there should be a zero tolerance
5 pp 2E8045 basf proposes imazapyr on rapeseed - animals are not and shuld never be referred to as commodoties. they have life. they feel pain. they dont like dying.
6. pp1F7872 dodine - from aminal - the tissues must be examined - dont allow it on animals if it canbe be is too dangerous.
7 pp 1F7968 dow proposes myclobutanil - it affects the reproductive system of the test animals showing it is too dangerous to allow it to ever be sold. it needs to be rejected.
8 pp2F8015 from chemtura diflubenzuron - dont approve use becaues it restricts the bodys ability to carry oxygen
9. pp2f8038 - basf proposes pyraclostrobin - causes eye injury and skin irritation showing it should not be approved ever for use in the usa.
10 - pp2F8047 arysta propose fluoxastrobin which has a growth inhibitor. not satisfacory to use in the usa. deny permits to be sold.
11. pp2f8047 arysta fluoxastrobin - fluorine ingredient shows this should not be sold or used in the entire usa.
amended tolerances
1 - pp2E8012 ir4 rutgers polluting university in cancer alley nj - lebuconazole - endorcrine disruptor and potentially carcinogenic. should not be approved for use in usa.
2. pp2E8016 - ir4 div of rutgers polluting university in cancer alley nj - hexythiazox - no comment
3 pp2E8036 - syngenta thiamethoxam on coffee - only a zero residue should be allowed.
Comment submitted by J. Public
This is comment on Proposed Rule
Pesticide Petitions Filed for Residues of Pesticide Chemicals in or on Various Commodities
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Public Submission Posted: 09/04/2012 ID: EPA-HQ-OPP-2011-0743-0005
Sep 21,2012 11:59 PM ET
Public Submission Posted: 09/04/2012 ID: EPA-HQ-OPP-2011-0743-0006
Sep 21,2012 11:59 PM ET