In making your decisions on the guidelines as to what constitutes navigable
waters of the U.S. I urge you to pay heed to Justice Kennedy?s opinion. Find
the answer to the issue in the purpose of the statute. Namely to ?restore and
maintain the chemical, physical, and biological integrity of the Nation?s
waters.? 33 U.S.C. ? 1251(a), C.W.A. ? 101.
The opinion by Justice Scalia asks you to make a bright line boundary between
?wetlands? and navigable waters. This definition would prevent the CWA from
covering some bodies of water that flow into navigable waters. Allowing
discharge of pollutants into these bodies of water will not provide the
protection the CWA requires. The Scalia plurality is ignoring the spirit of the
law in order to make regulation uniform.
I urge you to remember the purpose of the statute. The test favored by Justice
Stevens has worked for the Army Corps of Engineers for 30 years. Justice
Kennedy?s opinion, while not in agreement with the Steven?s plurality, does not
rely on wetlands to be navigable in fact and I would argue is closer to the
Steven?s plurality than Scalia?s plurality.
The purpose of the Clean Water act is to prevent polluting the waters of the
United States. I implore you to remember that in adjusting your regulations to
fit the judgment in Rapanos.
Thank you for your time and efforts,
Sam Vandergaw
Comment submitted by S. Vandergaw
This is comment on Notice
EPA and Army Corps of Engineers Guidance Regarding Clean Water Act Jurisdiction after Rapanos
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