Comment submitted by D. D. Hahn

Document ID: EPA-HQ-OW-2009-0090-0040
Document Type: Public Submission
Agency: Environmental Protection Agency
Received Date: March 03 2011, at 12:00 AM Eastern Standard Time
Date Posted: March 4 2011, at 12:00 AM Eastern Standard Time
Comment Start Date: March 3 2011, at 12:00 AM Eastern Standard Time
Comment Due Date: May 2 2011, at 11:59 PM Eastern Standard Time
Tracking Number: 80bff088
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I approve of testing for the 28 contaminants and 2 viruses. I approve of laboratory Environmental Protection Agency regulation for analyzing the contaminants. Additional contaminants I support future water analysis, testing for cholera, enteric bacteria, rota- and polioviruses, intestinal protozoans, Ascaris (intestinal roundworms), Dracunculus medinensis (Guinea worm), Trichuris trichiura (whipworm), Enerobiious vermicularis (pinworm), fluorides, heavy metals, nitrates and synthetic chemicals in the interests of global health as summarized in the Baytel Associates report, "Proposed Revisions to the Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Regulation (UCMR3) for Public Water Systems". The 12 chemicals listed in this report are critical drinking water contaminants needing elimination for producing maximal health effects worldwide. I studied medical transcription at Northern Virginia Community College in 2001 under David J. Munch, PhD, a current EPA employee. I attended the Washington Hospital Center and Wichita State University medical technician programs. I earned a bachelor of arts degree in biology and MacMurray College in Jacksonville, Illinois. One of my physicians is Aaron Fields, D.O., who studied and completed the medical technician program at Wichita State University.


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