Comment submitted by Thomas M. Kelly, Inland Seas Education Association

Document ID: EPA-HQ-OW-2011-0150-0378
Document Type: Public Submission
Agency: Environmental Protection Agency
Received Date: February 14 2012, at 12:00 AM Eastern Standard Time
Date Posted: February 15 2012, at 12:00 AM Eastern Standard Time
Comment Start Date: December 8 2011, at 12:00 AM Eastern Standard Time
Comment Due Date: February 21 2012, at 11:59 PM Eastern Standard Time
Tracking Number: 80fb56e8
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Section 2.10a regarding cooling water discharges should be deleted as it is a minimal impact on surrounding waters. If cooling water is included in the permit, what about the impacts of external heat exchangers (also minimal impact) If desired, the section could contain a suggestion to limit the operation of main and auxillary engines as practical when a dockside. Section 3.2: Add provision that vessels laid up (out of service) do not have to have a quaterly inspection during the laid up period.

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Feb 21,2012 11:59 PM ET
Comment submitted by Thomas M. Kelly, Inland Seas Education Association
Public Submission    Posted: 02/15/2012     ID: EPA-HQ-OW-2011-0150-0378

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Comment submitted by Rod Moore, Executive Director, West Coast Seafood Processors Association (WCSPA)
Public Submission    Posted: 02/15/2012     ID: EPA-HQ-OW-2011-0150-0379

Feb 21,2012 11:59 PM ET
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Feb 21,2012 11:59 PM ET