Jill Singer <jill@dfranklaw.com>
03/13/2007 01:24 PM To
Docket Superfund@EPA
Docket No. EPA-HQ-SFUND-2007-0072 - comments
Re: Docket No. EPA-HQ-SFUND-2007-0072
Former Halaco site in Port Hueneme, California
Dear EPA Representative:
I am compelled to write my comments to you regarding the above, as this
desperately needs federal funding for clean-up.
As you are aware, Halaco began polluting the air, water, and soil in and
around this site in 1971 with their metal recycling byproducts. Currently,
there is a 40 foot high pile of poisonous metal material that has been used
as a byway by residents to get to the beach for many years, as it was never
fenced off from the rest of the surrounding open space. When the rainy
season came each year, contaminated water would pool up and leach into the
wetland on the north side of the property.
The site borders a the Ormond Beach wetlands, part of which has been
purchased by the Nature Conservancy in order to return it to its original
state and keep it a wetland in perpetuity. The wetland is slated to be
surrounded by new homes and there is a proposal to build a mixed-use high
rise in the area, which would face the site.
This site should be placed on the National Priorities List due to the
severity and the type of pollution and due to the amount of time the site
was polluted on a daily basis (over 30 years).
The health of the residents, the natural environment, and the surrounding
wetland area would greatly benefit by providing federal funding to clean up
this site.
Thank you for your consideration.
Jill A. Singer
1320 San Simeon Ct. #2
Ventura, CA 93003
(805) 650-1200
email: jill@dfranklaw.com <mailto:jill@dfranklaw.com>
Comment submitted by J. A. Singer
This is comment on Proposed Rule
National Priorities List, Proposed Rule No. 46
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