EPA R04-OAR-2012-0961-0002
Were studies conducted to establish the criteria for labeling as a maintenance area? Is there something geographic and standard about this area?
Are the emissions parameters constricting the water vapor potential? Are the emissions tolerances excessive considering most dealerships are manufacturing cars that use alternative energies and have done so for approximately 10 years now? In order to enhance and make healthier the air quality, basic chemistry knowledge about the different atmospheric gases plus utilizing commercial resources might yield more efficacious benefits.
Comment on FR Doc # 2013-04012
This is comment on Proposed Rule
Air Quality Implementation Plans; Approvals and Promulgations: Charlotte, Raleigh/Durham and Winston-Salem Carbon Monoxide Limited Maintenance Plan
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Public Submission Posted: 04/10/2013 ID: EPA-R04-OAR-2012-0961-0005
Mar 25,2013 11:59 PM ET