Having witnessed the efforts and investment local companies and governmental agencies have
made to improve air quality, there is no question that the region is making significant strides.
Redesignating the region's 8-Hour Ozone compliance is recognition of that effort and will enable the
region to better compete in attracting new commercial and residential investment.
What the world needs is an effective and powerful EPA operating in China and throughout the
Pacific rim. Moreover, the EPA needs to expand its reach to regulate and enfoce environmental
protection efforts in India, Mexico, Eastern Europe, and South America. Who is watching the
industrial expansion of those nations and their impact on the world? The EPA can improve its
service to American interests by reaching across boarders and improving the standards and their
enforcement throughout the rest of the world.
Comment on FR Doc # E7-07347
This is comment on Proposed Rule
Proposed Approval of the South Bend Indiana 8-hour Ozone Redesignation and Maintenance Plan
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Public Submission Posted: 06/11/2007 ID: EPA-R05-OAR-2006-0305-0003
May 18,2007 11:59 PM ET