From my point of view, these plans are good in different perspectives because the good is that it could help the state to cut down the budget for the two counties in I/M program as it doesn’t involve equipment and technologies to maintain it while the bad thing is that the emission could destroy the ozone layer and harm people’s health which is more worse because people get sick and people that own the cars are neglect to have their cars inspected as they don’t have people to warn and check them so it has both pros and cons.
Even though, they keep the program as an emergency plans but for the best interest of the people or to prevent global warning, the state or EPA should study thoroughly about the advantages and disadvantages of the plans in order to prevent bad things from happening in the future. Although, it could help to save money but it could not save human’s life when something bad happens. So for the best interest, it would be better not to remove the program but keep it to check once in a while or issue the people in those two counties a letter to have their cars inspected regularly according to state’s law in order to make them alert and be aware of their vehicle’s problem.
Comment on FR Doc # 2011-00343
This is comment on Proposed Rule
Proposed Approval of the Clark and Floyd Counties Indiana I/M Shutdown Request
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Feb 11,2011 11:59 PM ET
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