Why doe the EPA continue to say the GHG are a risk to human life? GHG are produced by grass, trees, flowers, animinal - including humans, fruits, vegitables. If GHG were a threat to human life then we would not have been able to survive on this planet for as long as we have. If you reduce GHG to much you will endanger many plants and you will negatively effect human life.
You thirst to control our lives is threatening our very our safety and our freedom. You are irresponsible and heatless in you overreaction to this and many other things. Get out of you office and come out into the real world and see what life really is about.
TX110.19 Comment on FR Doc # 2010-22671
This is comment on Proposed Rule
TX110.02 Approvals and Promulgations of Air Quality Implementation Plans: Texas; Revisions to New Source Review (NSR) State Implementation Plan (SIP); Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD). 1 page n9f
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Public Submission Posted: 10/18/2010 ID: EPA-R06-OAR-2010-0620-0019
Oct 15,2010 11:59 PM ET