The unchanged implementation of this rule will effectively shut down the Luminant Big Brown Mine and Power Plant in Freestone County TX. The effects of this closure would be a disaster to our community. Fairfield, TX where I live and work would economically collapse, as the plant is our main driving economic source. The ripple effects will for sure be felt throughout the entire Freestone County, as well as surrounding counties (Anderson, Leon, Limestone, Navarro).
I myself am involved in the local real estate market as an investor. I can tell you that our housing market would absolutely collapse as people vacated to find work and/or had thier homes forclosed. I myself owning rental property here would go bankrupt as I could no longer pay my mortgages and property taxes on my real estate investments. My wife owns a small retail business downtown and she would have to close, and the building that our LLC owns would go into forclosure, as it could no longer pay its mortgage or property taxes. Our banks would suffer, as well as other small busisnesses, etc, etc.
In my wildest dreams I would of never have thought that my government would completely wipe out my and my family's livelyhood, and all that I have worked for over decades. Not to mention the hundreds of plant employees, thier families, and the loss of thier economic contribution. Then you have the eventual closing of other busissnesses in town and thier employees and thier families. However, if this plant shuts down, Fairfield, TX will be a ghost town and the blame in my eyes will rest solely in the hands of the E.P.A.
I am begging my government to reconsider this unreasonable rule and allow our people to live and work and persue the American dream. In this state of our National economy, every job is important and any rules that slash jobs should be reconsidered and reversed.
This is very real for me and my family, as well as the town I live and work in.
Thank You
Dan Ralstin
TX120.09 Comment on FR Doc # 2011-18578
This is comment on Rule
TX120.01 Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: Texas; Revisions to Permits by Rule and Regulations for Control of Air Pollution by Permits for New Construction or Modification. 6 pages r7r
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Public Submission Posted: 08/25/2011 ID: EPA-R06-OAR-2011-0426-0009
Aug 24,2011 11:59 PM ET