I have been working in Environmental Compliance for over 30 years as a professional wildlife biologist and as an environmental engineer. I have a masters in wildlife and range resources. I spent the first 10 years of my career primary in wildlife mitigation and reclamation work and the last 20 years primarily in air quality. I am an outdoor enthusiast and began visiting the Brigder Wilderness over 40 years ago as a teenager. I also spent a summer as a guide in Teton National Park while going to college. For the past 15 years I have spent 1 to 2 weeks ever summer in Wyoming wilderness areas primarily the Bridger Wilderness. The only visibility impacts I have observed there were due to precipitation events or fires, I see no negative impacts from industry. Having read the SIP it is my opinion that they did a great job given the regulations they had to work with, but the result is still the spending of a lot of money for little or no benefit. I have read EPAs proposed FIP and it will require even more be spent for no significant benefit. I believe this is hugh waste of resources which will provide no improvement in health or the environment. As a tax payer and electricity user in Wyoming I appreciate having low rate which improve my standard of living and allow me to spend more money for good health for me and my family and allows me the resources to enjoy wilderness areas. As just one among may who lives here and has to pay for these things I strongly oppose the FIP. Terrell Johnson
6/18/13 : Public Comment ; Terrell Johnson
This is comment on Proposed Rule
Implementation Plans; Approvals, Disapprovals and Promulgations: Wyoming; Regional Haze State Implementation Plan; Federal Implementation Planfor Regional Haze
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