Has the EPA taken into account the job loss that will be created in Wyoming by implementing their proposal. Wyoming has already taken a very proactive step in meeting the standards that are already in place. By the EPA rejecting their proposal and enforcing that more extreme actions be taken in a drastically extreme timeframe they are pressuring companies and tying their hands. Thus the power companies have to come up with alternative ways to produce energy which will ultimatley raise rates for its customers and cause them to close plants. This EPA decision will result the loss of over 1000 jobs in the state of Wyoming. One town in particular will lose two of the longest running job providers and cause a town that is already losing it residents to lose even more. In a government where all we hear about is the job growth that is being created this action will result in a loss. For those that are pushing for natural gas to be our power source I want you to think about a couple of things. 1. Natural gas can not sustain as a fuel in higher elevation power plants. So converting the plants to gas is not an option. 2. Once all the plants that are able to convert to gas what do you think is going to happen to the price of natural gas. Right now it is low and enticing but once they have the market cornered your price will go through the roof. Coal is abundant in Wyoming and is a constant low cost provider for our energy needs. I have lived in other states and I know what Regional Haze is. Wyoming's problem is nothing compared to others.
6/19/13 : Public Comment ; Anonymous
This is comment on Proposed Rule
Implementation Plans; Approvals, Disapprovals and Promulgations: Wyoming; Regional Haze State Implementation Plan; Federal Implementation Planfor Regional Haze
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